Amber Portwood Hysterical, Says She ‘Didn’t Do This’ To Fiance

Amber Portwood-YouTube

Teen Mom star Amber Portwood is hysterical over the disappearance of her fiance, Gary Wayt. More so, she wants to make it clear that she “didn’t do this” to him. He went missing on Sunday, June 9th, 2024, and has not been seen since. So, what else does Amber have to say? Keep reading for more details.

Amber Portwood Hysterical, Says She ‘Didn’t Do This’ To Fiance

In the season premiere of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter, Amber Portwood attended Jade Cline and Sean Austin’s wedding. She connected with a female guest and went home with her so her co-stars wanted the tea on what went down. Amber said it was a one-time thing and then introduced her new boyfriend, Gary Wayt. They have been seeing each other officially since early 2024 and just got engaged a few weeks back. Now, he is missing after they were on a vacation in North Carolina.

Amber Portwood-YouTube
Amber Portwood-YouTube

As of Tuesday, June 11th, Amber had said nothing about it on her social media. However, her ex-fiance, Gary Shirley posted a call for help on his, hoping for Gary Wayt’s safe return. Now, Amber is exclusively speaking to Elle Bee and she is hysterical as she shares the details. She explained that there was no “big blowout fight” as has been reported but said simply that he is a missing person. Additionally, Amber said she is praying for any information. The only thing known is that he was in a Walgreens on June 9th.

Amber Portwood reiterated that they are very much in love, she has grown so much, and the two of them do not have a physically abusive relationship. Luckily, he left his phone so that was how they tracked him at Walgreens. She did admit they had a discussion prior to him leaving because his family is Vietnamese and she is not. Amber has not left where they had been staying in hopes he’ll return and keeps “begging” for listeners to hear her out. She wants it to be known she did not do anything, she did not hurt him, she “didn’t do this.”

The Love Of Her Life

Amber Portwood also shared that Gary Wayt is a big man and he would not put up with someone being harmful to him. The Teen Mom star added that he is the love of her life but prior to this, she did state that his family was not to contact any outlets. It seems some stuff got out because people wanted to know if this was actually true and happening. Per Amber, it very much is and she does not want her past brought up during this time.


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Elle Bee did ask if Gary Wayt had any mental health issues and Amber shared he did. However, she would not elaborate. At this time, she just wants and needs prayers. TV Shows Ace will keep you updated as this story keeps unfolding.

Do you believe what Amber is saying or is she hiding something? Let us know your thoughts and watch Teen Mom: The Next Chapter Thursdays on MTV.

Amanda Lauren

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