Tori Spelling Reveals True Feelings About Marrying Dean McDermott

Tori Spelling-YouTube

Tori Spelling is revealing her true feelings about marrying her estranged ex, Dean McDermott. The two were married for eighteen years and share five children together. So, how does the actress and former reality star feel about Dean? Keep reading for more details.

Tori Spelling Reveals True Feelings About Marrying Dean McDermott

When Tori Spelling married Dean McDermott, there was a lot of controversy. They were both married to other people when they met but could not fight their connection. Unfortunately, the two ended up facing hard times after tying the knot due to Dean’s infidelity. He cheated on Tori and viewers got to try and watch them mend their relationship on their reality show. Ultimately, in the summer of 2023, things reached an all-time low and Dean posted that the marriage was over. Tori was relieved because she had been waiting to get out in many ways. It was not until March 2024 that she officially filed for divorce.

Tori Spelling, Dean McDermott, Kids-YouTube
Tori Spelling, Dean McDermott, Kids-YouTube

She also started a podcast, misSPELLING where she shared the tape of her telling Dean she had filed. More so, Tori chatted about her breaking point in the marriage. According to People, Tori took to her podcast once again to dish on her feelings for Dean. During the Thursday, June 6th episode, she took listeners back twenty years to when she first met her ex. They were first introduced while filming Mind Over Murder and the night that changed everything:

“I always jokingly blame one of our creators, Chris Albergini, because that night we had the read-through and the cast get-together. And crew and everyone went home and Dean and I stayed. Chris Alberghini stayed. And I’m like, ‘This is your fault. Like, you let this happen.’ He’s like, ‘I let it happen that you crawled across me to get to him and kissed him in the middle of, like, a bar?’ And I was like, ‘Yep.’”

So, that night changed both Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott’s lives but, after all that has transpired, does she regret any of it? Does Tori wish she had never kissed Dean in the bar?

“I’m super happy. I’m grateful. We have five beautiful kids. I wouldn’t change a moment of my journey. And Dean and I are super amicable and everything’s great.”

Moving On

Tori Spelling has been doing her best to move on from the marriage. According to Dean McDermott, she has a boyfriend and he has been seeing Lily Calo for several months. A big downfall was Dean battled substance addiction but he takes responsibility for it:

“All Tori’s ever done to this day is want me to be happy and healthy and I inflicted a lot of damage and pain on that woman. It’s going to be living the rest of my life making amends because I took something that was really beautiful and I just tore it down year after year, day after day.”

For Tori, she has admitted their marriage was not okay once their children were born. Then, over the last few years, she and the kids became very ill, the result of severe mold. Now, after living in a motel and an RV, they have moved to a $15K/month home. Hopefully, everyone will find true happiness.

Are you happy to know Tori does not regret a moment with Dean? Is that more mature than one would have expected? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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