Boston Rob Mariano Hints At Going On ‘Survivor’ Season 50

Boston Rob Mariano

Boston Rob Mariano has hinted at going on Survivor Season 50. Jeff Probst announced that the 50th season was going to be full of past competitors. Fans immediately knew that they wanted to see Boston Rob during the reunion season. Rob has always said the only way he would return is if it was something different than normal. So, this could be the perfect opportunity. Keep reading to find out more.

Boston Rob To Be On Season 3 Of The Traitors

Boston Rob is going to be on Season 3 of The Traitors. This show has traitors and faithfuls. The faithfuls have to figure out who the traitors are and vote them out. This is a perfect opportunity for Rob.

“I would love to play The Traitors, I really would. I think after watching the first two seasons, it would be a lot of fun.”

Rob will be on the show with other celebrities like Tom Sandoval, Wells Adams, Nikki Garcia, Ciara Miller, and so many more. Fans cannot wait to see the new season.

Boston Rob Mariano
Boston Rob Mariano

Will He Be On Season 50 Of Survivor?

Fans are dying to know if Rob will be on the reunion season of the show. He has hinted that he may be.

 “I’ve always said it would take some kind of unique format change to make me go back and compete over there. Something would have to happen, otherwise we’re faced with the same situation where they gang up on me and want to get me out, or keep me around for a little bit, or whatever.”

He told people to start messaging him for pre-game alliances.

“I’m stirring it up on social media like I like to do, so slide into the DMs, all you former players, and we’ll let you know whether or not you can get in the alliance or not. Actually, talk to my secretary, Sandra. She’s fielding all the requests.”

Rob said it as a joke. However, could he have been hinting that he plans to go on the show again? This is exactly what the show needed to do to get him back on. He did not want to be on the same show he has done multiple times.

Boston Rob Mariano
Boston Rob Mariano

It seems he is hinting at going on the show. It is not confirmed or denied if he is going to be on the 50th season. However, fans would not be shocked to see him there. This would be the season fans would get to see him since it is something different than the normal scenario. Viewers love Boston Rob and would like to see him on any show he is willing to go on, like The Traitors. What do you think? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent

One Comment

  1. Would love to see #Boston Rob on Season 50 but not sure these new kind of players would even know what to do with him😂😂

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