Ashley Iaconetti Thinks Trista Sutter Confirmed Reality Show Appearance

Ashley Iaconetti and Trista Sutter via Insta

Bachelor in Paradise alum Ashley Iaconetti is joining the speculation and theories about where Bachelorette Trista Sutter was during her two-week absence. Many believe that Trista left her family and social media for a few weeks to film a reality television show. Fans have been going back and forth about which one they believe she participated in. Ashley has her own opinion and shared it with fans on her podcast. Keep reading to find out more.

Ashley Iaconetti Thinks Trista Sutter Was Filming TV Show

Bachelor in Paradise fan favorite Ashley Iaconetti thinks Trista Sutter was filming a reality television show. She believes this explains her sudden and mysterious absence from social media and her family.

Trista’s husband Ryan posted several cryptic posts on social media that led to a lot of rumors and speculation about what was going on with Trista.

Upon her return, she addressed the concerns fans were having and said she was fine. Now, Ashley thinks that Trista confirmed her theory about where she’s been. What does Ashley think and what did Trista say?

Most fans believe that Trista was away filming in Season 3 of Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test.

Trista Sutter/Credit: Trista Sutter Instagram
Trista Sutter/Credit: Trista Sutter Instagram

Ashley thinks Trista gave it away and said, “I know what happened. I think people know. I think it’s Special Forces. Did the show get annoyed by this? Like, she basically revealed herself as a cast member.”

When Trista said on Instagram that she had an opportunity for perspective and personal growth Ashley took that as a hint. She believes the length of time that Trista was gone for perfect for a part in Special Forces. She said, “We know that if it was Special Forces, that it only films for about 10 days. Of course, with travel and preproduction and stuff, it probably comes to about 14, 15 days.”

Other Clues And Other Things Ashley Has Said

Along with being gone for about two weeks, Trista Sutter also had no phone access during that time. When Trista left she said, “Won’t have my phone for a while [and] this will by far be the longest I’ve ever gone without speaking to my family.”

Ashley has been saying all along that she believes Trista was away filming. At one point she said, “I just wanna ask, like, where’s Trista? Because Ryan’s post on Mother’s Day was cryptic. Not in a bad way. She’s away for two weeks. … So, is she shooting a show? Is she on Special Forces? Because I told her she’d be perfect for Special Forces.

Trista and Ryan Sutter/Credit: Instagram
Trista and Ryan Sutter/Credit: Instagram

Ben Higgins agrees with his Almost Famous podcast host in that it is a good possibility this is where she went.

Ali Fedotowsky was also absent from social media during this time. Most believe they were filming together.

What do you think? Did Trista give away where she was by how she worded her return post?

Stay tuned for more updates.

Jamie Colclasure

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