’90 Day Fiance’ Star Loren Brovarnik Moves Out

Loren Brovarnik - 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After - TLC

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Season 8 sees the return of Alexei and Loren Brovarnik, and ahead of Sunday’s episode, she shared that she moved out of her Florida apartment. Remember, the last time TLC showed the couple, they were thinking about going to Israel, but her parents objected. Are they going anyway? Read on to find out.

Loren Brovarnik & Alexei Still Have Stories To Film?

The TLC couple’s been on the franchise for what seems like forever. Originally, they were on Season 3 of 90 Day Fiance but stuck around since 2015 in various spinoffs. Fans saw them meet, marry, and welcome baby Shai in 2020. Next came Asher in 2021, and finally, Ariel, their daughter, in 2022. Surprised by their return, some fans felt they had no more stories to tell.

90 Day Fiance Star Loren Brovarnik Moves - Instagram
90 Day Fiance Star Loren Brovarnik Moves Out Of Her Old Apartment  – Instagram

Loren Brovarnik delves into her reasons for her momma makeover in Season 8 of 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Actually, she came under fire for it on social media. So, it will be interesting to hear what TLC fans think of seeing her go through it on TV. But, will it show them once again clashing with her parents about a desire to live in Israel?

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Star Moves Out

If you thought that the couple might have moved out of their apartment to go to Israel, you can relax. On Instagram this weekend, the mom of three explained that they moved to a new house. In her reel, she showed some beds and seemed excited about them. That is because she got a company to help her move.

90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After Star Loren Brovarnik Moves Out - Instagram
90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After Star Loren Brovarnik Moves Out – Instagram

Loren Brovarnik said in her video caption:

Moving has been a whirlwind, and Alex and I have SO much to do. Hiring a Tasker via @taskrabbit to help truly took the stress out of moving, and Tasker Othman did an amazing job getting the beds set up for the kids. I’m so happy I could cry, literally! 😂

TLC fans took to the comments to have their say about Alexei and Loren Brovarnik‘s move. Here are some of their thoughts:

  • I remember when you wanted to move to Israel. Are your in-laws safe?!
  • Congrats on your first house!
  • So excited for you and your family Loren ❤️
  • Congratulations! your family deserves more space to grow into.
  • Awe!!!! Everything is going to look amazing when it’s all said and done!

What are your thoughts on Loren Brovarnik and Alexei moving out of their Florida apartment into a new house? Do you think they permanently gave up the idea of moving to Israel? Are you happy to see them again in Season 8? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for your 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? news.

James Michael


  1. Loren’s plastic surgery has made me totally lose interest in their storyline. Too bad because I really looked forward to seeing them. Ridiculous and encourages girls too not be happy with how they look and trying to achieve perfection. Sends a very bad message to young women. She didn’t even need plastic surgery.

    1. I so agree. It wasn’t anything wrong that she had to that major surgery. She could have done some simple things and changes would have been just fine.

      1. it is her body, she can do what she wants and believes. I had a good friend small frame girl small breast. Tried forever to have a child, ended in a divorce. Decided to go to the jump work out and have this beautiful body. went and had large implants. looked to big for her frame. loved all the attention, move to Florida to strut on the beach. Well, didn’t feel well went to her doctor, did test she had stage 4 breast cancer. Had yearly Mamo but 2ith the implants they didn’t find it. Died in 3 days. 44 years old, so young and very sad news

    2. I don’t agree with surgery, everyone has a personal opinion about it. Lauren states how everyone calls her beautiful and says she didn’t need surgery, it was a personal choice to make herself feel better and in return be a better wife and mother. Body Dysmorphia is a real issue, one which many people struggle with….so before you judge someone or believe she is portraying a bad message always remember she has her own reasons for doing so and she isn’t a spokesman for surgery. If you want to blame someone, blame the media for putting unreleastic views on a woman’s body from fashion, magazines, models, etc.
      Lauren isn’t my number one but this segment has made me like her more bc I can relate with body dysmorphia.

      1. Thank you, I appreciate what you wrote. I’m 63 years old and yes I have been trying for years to loose weight, for that same reason. I however have a immune system problem.My thyroid went out and the doctor I was seeing at the time didn’t catch it in time. And trying to loose it has been hard. I’m on a very low col, diet.and I’ve finally after close to 20 years of trying I’m finally going down.I can’t stand these know it alls that think they have the right to do GOD’S work.They really should mind their own business and keep their rude comments to their selfs.

      2. Apparently you may not have had kids. My first one did me in, I stretched so much , I ended up with a hanging belly. I am now 78 and is still there , along with a big hernia protruding that looks like I’m pregnant again. If I had the money I could have had that fixed, and my hernia and would not have these problems now . I now have a bad COPD problem and can’t have surgery. So God bless you for taking care of it now. Love ❤️ you guys

        1. I agree it does send a very bad message to young women. She has had surgery and expects her husband to take on all the responsibility of 3 young children with no help and to continue working as well. To sum it up, I would say she only thinks of herself. What next more surgery ?

          1. actually, yes she announced she wanted more surgery. I know people can do what they want with their own body, but also understand they’re allowing the whole world to see this and the whole world has opinions and we’re going to speak them. I do feel very bad for Alexi having to do all of that and he never complained he’s an amazing man and she does not realize how lucky she is.

      3. Well said Anna. So her husband was frustrated for the length of recovery was taking. So then everyone had to bad mouth Loren about how she shouldnt have had surgery and make her husband have to take care of “everything” for longer than expected. Back off these are real people. They will work it out themselves and dont need your negativity!

      4. she didn’t need surgery..she needed psychiatric care..Did not spend her money wisely..if she doesn’t get to the root of Why she doesn’t like her body..she will continue to find fault with it..it’s a mental problem..Fix that First if you are smart..

    3. leave her alone! Also whatever makes her feel better about herself.people need to quit judging people.

      1. You are so right! If the surgery makes her feel better about herself then so be it. She is not making an example for young girls, that’s the job for the parents. You have no idea what she was thinking when she elected to have the surgery so just back off and don’t judge.

        1. I agree. We have to feel comfortable with ourselves. If it calls for surgery readjusting then so be it. She looks beautiful. I’m very proud of her for having respect for her body especially while she’s still young enough to go through all the surgery.

        2. wait another three years and she will look like a freak surgery is her GOD. Alexi run for the hills.

        3. She will never be happy about her body until she gets psychiatric care to Find out Why she doesn’t like her body….she will continue surgery after surgery and will never be happy..she needs to understand Why she feels this way…her husband has a right to voice his opinions and talk to his wife to seek Professional Mental Care..

    4. Totally agree, sometimes young couples make mistakes which causes more stress in hind sight. I can speak for myself. Really like both and wish them the best of luck and a healthy long life.

    5. SHE NEEDS TO SEE A PSYCHIATRIST. Her husband is so so patient. If she’s still not happy with her body now, this will go on and on and on and on.

  2. I don’t agree! She looks great! Healthy!
    Just because you have children don’t mean you can’t go back to where you were body wise. I hope she don’t hear anything negative!

    1. I agree. I am happy for her. There is nothing wrong with wanting to improve yourself. Loren is a beautiful young woman and I am so glad her husband, the father of her children was supportive of her. I enjoy their story and look forward to seeing more of them.

    2. it’s a good role model to refresh your look after kids, every girl and woman should know it’s possible 😉

  3. My opinion only! She’s a pretty young lady. I feel she is very selfish for doing what she did.

    1. I think she was selfish for forcing her husband to take total care of her in addition to work and the children.
      She has a psychiatric problem which will continue if not treated.
      I had two children one after the other but since I did not overeat, I returned to the same weight. Now in my seventies I have gained weight due due to age.
      I see many pregnant women who looked horribly overweight due to the fact they did not control the food input and that is their fault.

      1. her poor husband was left to take care of his family like she does everyday! why is it ok for her but not him…I dont doubt it was difficult and frustrating but most of us do take care of our families and work and not blame our spouses who should and step up when needed. Who are we to judge if she or didnt need surgery.

  4. I support Lauren 100% every woman deserves the right to look the best she can however she does it

  5. Most definitely didn’t seem like she needed surgery but there is a layer of muscle underneath the stomach that gets separated after pregnancy that takes tons of work or surgery to get back together. So I do understand where she is coming from! I love their love and support for one another that’s all I’m here for!

  6. she is very likable. she is too insecure and desperate with her body image. I would not put myself through something like that
    Why? surgery is risky, expensive and selfish. three toddlers are over whelming. to place the burden on her husband and family. just silly and vain.

    1. If it makes you feel better about yourself I say do it!!! There is way too much judgement of people!!

  7. seriously. noone has the right to judge her.Everyone is a separate world. No one knows what and how she feels. That’s nobody’s business. Why can’t women support other woman’s decision. Always criticizing their decisions. If you can’t say something positive,just don’t say anything. To each his own. live and let live.

  8. idk why she had to get surgery! All that money she could’ve spent it on her kids, instead of that expensive surgery. She did what she did. I love how Alex supported her through it all regardless of what she wanted to do! He’s a very good husband sticking by her side thru all of her ups, & downs.

    He had to do whatever she wanted tho, he didn’t have a say in it. He had to support whatever she was going to do w/ her body. So that kinda sucks. Either way, he was there to support her. Like I said, VERY good husband!

  9. I don’t agree with surgery, everyone has a personal opinion about it. Lauren states how everyone calls her beautiful and says she didn’t need surgery, it was a personal choice to make herself feel better and in return be a better wife and mother. Body Dysmorphia is a real issue, one which many people struggle with….so before you judge someone or believe she is portraying a bad message always remember she has her own reasons for doing so and she isn’t a spokesman for surgery. If you want to blame someone, blame the media for putting unreleastic views on a woman’s body from fashion, magazines, models, etc.
    Lauren isn’t my number one but this segment has made me like her more bc I can relate with body dysmorphia.

  10. Love this couple. They are real, healthy and bonded…and he is most definitely fuoat times. Hope their Israel dream comes to fruition!

  11. Love this couple. They are real, healthy and bonded. He is definitely funny at times! Hope their Israel dream comes to fruition.

  12. Their time is over now. They need to move on and let new people come forward. Infact alot of the oldies from previous season need to be gone too….(Ed, Liz, Angela, Michael, just to name a few…..)

  13. Having plastic surgery for the right reasons are great, but having them for being a better wife, mother, sister, daughter, aunt or whatever is just an excuse to have it done. Whether we do it or not isn’t about us perfection nor performing as a mother, cook or wife doesn’t make us any less better or worse, it just boosts our confidence about us as a person, absolutely nothing more!!!

  14. I think she looks good. At least she didn’t go the Kardashian route and get a huge butt and get the boobs to match. The ones I think are ridiculous are Darcy & Stacy. Everything gets bigger & bigger. They look ridiculous! The saddest thing about Darcy is she has the 2 beautiful daughters and although the look exactly like she used to, she repeatedly shows them that that wasn’t good enough. I hope they don’t follow in her footsteps. I can imagine how I would have felt if my mom, who I look like, had completely changed her look over & over again showing me I don’t look good enough.

  15. I feel the same. The timing was bad. she has 3 young children to take care of. she should have waited at least a few years. It was alot on her husband and parents who had to help.

    1. I feel anyone can do what they want with their body, but I have to agree with you. What mom doesn’t feel bad about their body after having 3 kids, but they are too young and need mom. Too much for Alex to handle too, and not fair to him either. She could have waited 5 years and then had the surgery if she still wanted it. She’s beautiful.

      1. Yes, thats just awful to see him trying so hard to make her happy and she acts so selfish. She should have waited until the children were older, there was no reason why she had to have it done at this time. It’s been so hard on her husband trying to keep up. I feel so sorry for him and she lied to him to get what she wanted. She should be ashamed of herself.

    2. The only surgery she needed was to have that ugly mole removed from her face. All that money she spent on herself should have gone toward a nose job for her husband.

      1. I agree with you and she needs to quit acting like a baby and get busy and help her husband. He is overworked. She can do a lot more than what’s she’s doing. Many woman come home from surgeries and have to help with the family even when it’s not recommended. She acts like she can’t even fold clothes, she’s pathetic.

      2. I totally agree. Every time I see that woman, I can’t help noticing that big dark ugly mole! Doesn’t she see it? With all the money she spent on plastic surgery, she should have spent some of it on removing that ugly mole. It’s right under her eye!!! It’s so noticable. I record the shows and just fast forward past her whining and move on to the next couple. She’s too selfish, too needy, absolutely pathetic and lazy, and just too much. She should be helping her husband more and realize the world doesn’t revolve around her.

  16. I agree with you and she needs to quit acting like a baby and get busy and help her husband. He is overworked. She can do a lot more than what’s she’s doing. Many woman come home from surgeries and have to help with the family even when it’s not recommended. She acts like she can’t even fold clothes, she’s pathetic.

  17. i love Loren n Alexi want to see more! But.. bad message to girls about body acceptance and very selfish of Loren to cost her family money, time missed from kids and overwhelming Alexi, shame on you Loren

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