‘The Kardashians’ Exhaust Their Show’s Storyline, What’s Left?

Khloe Kardashian, Kris Jenner, Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, and Kendall Jenner - Instagram

Undeniably, the Kardashian-Jenner family has had a long run of fame, but what else could they possibly still cover in future seasons of The Kardashians? Many fans think they have already exhausted their storyline and may be closing in on the end of their reign.

Has The Kardashians  Show Run Its Course?

Undoubtedly, the famous family has capitalized on their efforts in every avenue possible. Not only did they have twenty seasons on screen with Keeping Up With The Kardashians, but now they are about to premiere Season 5 of their popular show The Kardashians. The show was a massive deal with Hulu for the family to continue their story and move to the much-needed streaming platform. Unmistakably, they are cashing on the nearly $100 million contract with the current show. Other spinoffs took place after KUWTK such as Rob & Chyna, Life of Kylie, Khloe & Lamar, and I Am Cait, etc. While it would seem fans might grow tired of the ins and outs of the celebrity family, so far they continue to draw people in with each new venture. However, has their fame run its course?

The Kardashians Season 5 Promo Pic-YouTube
The Kardashians Season 5 Promo – YouTube

The Kardashians Exhaust Their Show’s Storyline, What’s Left?

Many fans are beginning to speculate that the Kar-Jens‘ storyline is already exhausted. Although the newest season of The Kardashians will hit the screens next week, some believe their story is played out. Since fans have already witnessed Kim go from being a clothing store owner to being a multifaceted entrepreneur and actress, are fans still ready to engage? Likewise, Kylie Jenner and Kendall Jenner essentially grew up on screen. Both took on promising careers. Kylie took on her makeup line and Kendall flourished to become the highest-paid supermodel in the world. Notably, Kris Jenner has been busy becoming the infamous “momager” for her clan. Undoubtedly, she has helped each of her children engage in multiple ventures to keep a steady cash flow coming in.

Khloe Kardashian shows off her rock hard abs in her newest bikini wear. - Instagram
Khloe Kardashian shows off her rock-hard abs in her newest bikini wear. – Instagram

Following Kourtney and Khloe’s love lives have also been exciting for fans to see their journeys as well. Furthermore, characteristics like Khloe and Scott Disick’s humor were plentiful and kept fans coming back for more. Not only that, but The Kardashians’ sibling rivalries have been trending through the past few seasons. However, the show is reliant on ever-eventful storylines. Will their love lives, business ventures, and family drama continue to be enough to draw the attention of viewers? Additionally, at what point will they know enough is enough?

Played Out Storyline

For instance, some of the quintessential quirks of the family have played out through the years.  Khloe’s role has changed from being an obnoxious jokester among her sisters to focusing on relationship problems and family. And Scott Disick is in a new stage where life has been fairly tough on him especially since he and Kourtney Kardashian went separate ways. Likewise, Kourtney has moved on to start a new era with her husband, Travis Barker. Furthermore, Kim Kardashian’s drive to succeed is almost overwhelming to watch her thrust herself into workaholic exhaustion. But all their lives are changing. All the sisters are mothers except for Kendall Jenner. Each of the Kardashian-Jenner kids brings a fresh level of fun to The Kardashians. For instance, North West razzes her mom 24/7 and gives many fans a kick out of her blunt persona. But other viewers find her disrespectful and hard to watch.

What’s Left To Cover?

While The Kardashians seem to drum up new business and drama with each season, what can they possibly still cover? Some fans believe they have seen all that Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney have to offer. But many think there is room for Kylie and Kendall Jenner to take the spotlight. While both have played a part in the recent Hulu series, fans crave more about their behind-the-scenes lives. Both have stayed relatively quiet with their lives. Although Kendall was recently in a relationship with Bad Bunny, one of the biggest superstars in the world, it wasn’t included in the show. Likewise, Kylie had a complete relationship and breakup with Travis Scott that was never touched on in The Kardashians.

Kris Jenner shares a photo of the family in earlier years. - Instagram
Kris Jenner shares a photo of the family in earlier years. – Instagram

The Kardashians New Season Premiere

Perhaps The Kardashians Season 5 will be the time for Kylie and Kendall Jenner to steal the show. Although the preview leads more toward following Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker’s journey with Rocky Thirteen’s pregnancy. Furthermore, Kendall attests she is more interesting than she lets on. Kim Kardashian shows her strides as an actress and as a lawyer. Additionally, there are some health scares for the family as well. Undoubtedly, the family confesses they haven’t slowed down one bit. When will the Kardashians decide to walk away from the cameras? Most likely as long as ratings are coming in, they will continue to supply new material. However, Hulu has a tight lip about its viewer ratings, so it is hard to know if the Disney affiliate is getting the results it hopes for from this contract. Time will tell if they will renew for future seasons or not.

Don’t miss the premiere of Season 5 of The Kardashians on May 23.

What do you think? Has The Kardashians show run its course? Are you still loving what the Kar-Jen clan is dishing out? Are you excited to see the new season next week? Drop your comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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