Jimmy Kimmel Disses Joan Vassos As ‘Golden Bachelorette’

Jimmy Kimmel and Joan Vassos/Credit: YouTube

Don’t count talk show host Jimmy Kimmel as a fan of Bachelor Nation. He dissed Golden Bachelorette Joan Vassos. Keep reading to see what he had to say about the reality star.

Joan Vassos Named Golden Bachelorette

ABC did more than just announce their fall schedule at the Upfronts. They finally put the rumors to rest and officially announced the first Golden Bachelorette. Joan Vassos, a contestant from Gerry Turner’s season, will look for love in her golden years.

The mother and grandmother, 61, left The Golden Bachelor abruptly after a phone call from her family. Her exit in Episode 3 dashed any hope from fans of her forming a strong connection with Gerry Turner.

He went on to marry Theresa Nist but they announced their divorce just a few months later. Click here to find out how Joan Vassos feels about the sad ending to the Golden Wedding.

Joan Vassos as 'Golden Bachelorette'/Credit: ABC YouTube
Joan Vassos as ‘Golden Bachelorette’/Credit: ABC YouTube

The network didn’t announce a premiere date yet, but the Golden Bachelorette will air Wednesdays this fall, likely beginning in September.

Jimmy Kimmel Disses Joan Vassos As ‘Old Lady’

The news excited many Bachelor Nation fans who were happy to see Joan Vassos back on screen. However, Jimmy Kimmel was less than enthused by the choice. During his moment on stage at the Upfronts, the late-night talk show host took a few digs at Gerry Turner, Joan Vassos and the entire franchise.

He referenced the sudden end to Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist’s marriage, calling it a “complete jerk off.” The comic quipped that ABC is launching the Golden Bachelorette “where you can win an old lady.”

Credit: Reddit
Credit: Reddit

The Jimmy Kimmel Live! host added a NSFW comment about Joan and her contestants. “She has four kids and two grandchildren. Are the kids ready to see grandma get rawdogged in a Jacuzzi?”

Bachelor Nation Fans React

Bachelor Nation fans were aghast at the crass comments. They took to Reddit to call Jimmy Kimmel out for his vile jokes. Several comments pointed out that the talk show host and the Golden Bachelorette aren’t that far apart in age. Jimmy Kimmel is 56 and Joan Vassos is 61. Check out some of the other reactions:

  • Jimmy Kimmel isn’t even funny.
  • Vile and ageist.
  • He’s the same network as the The B? They should fire his a**. And please tell me she won’t be forced to go on his crap show to promote!
  • Classless human. I hope he quits hosting and gets replaced with someone better.
  • ew, Jimmy is just a vulgar bully at this point!
  • This is ageist and misogynistic but ok
  • Jimmy Kimmel proves once again, that he’s not funny.
  • Did he make the same ageist remarks about Gerry?
  • These are really nasty jokes, Joan (and any woman) deserves more respect.

Do you think the talk show host’s jokes about The Golden Bachelorette Joan Vassos were out of line? Share your reaction in the comments.

Jennifer Havener
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