Kelly Clarkson Admits Being ‘Awkward’ & ‘Nervous’ Dater

Kelly Clarkson-YouTube

Musical superstar and talk show host, Kelly Clarkson is admitting to being a “nervous” and “awkward” dater. She has been divorced for a few years now from Brandon Blackstock. Dating has not been a top priority but it is still something that is a part of her life. Now, she is opening up about her experiences and what she is like when she does try to dive into the dating pool. Keep reading for more details.

Kelly Clarkson Admits Being ‘Awkward’ & ‘Nervous’ Dater

It has been a huge year for Kelly Clarkson and her family. She moved from California to New York City and with that, she took her immensely popular talk show. It often has a waitlist for the two daily timeslots. Along with that, she started her own SiriusXM station, got into amazing shape, and had a short Vegas residency. Plus, she has been nominated for Grammy and Daytime Emmys in 2024 so this is an amazing time in Kelly’s life. Yet, she still has some legal sorting out to do with her ex-husband, Brandon Blackstock.

Kelly Clarkson-YouTube
Kelly Clarkson-YouTube

Kelly has not been into dating as she has so much going on plus she has two young children that are her priority. However, she recently admitted that when she does attempt to see new people, she is not that great at it. According to People, the talk show host was chatting with guest, Tiffany Haddish. The forty-two-year-old admitted to Haddish of dating:

“I get so nervous. It’s awkward. It’s not that I don’t think I’m a prize, I just find it awkward and it’s the same things — ‘Where did you grow up?’”

Tiffany Haddish was emphatic that Kelly Clarkson realized her worth and how amazing she is. Unfortunately, Kelly did admit that dating is just not something she has much experience with:

“I don’t think I’ve dated a lot. I think that’s the thing. Maybe I just haven’t done it enough.”

Kelly and Brandon had first met in 2006 but did not tie the knot for another six years. They then split in 2020 but the divorce was not finalized for another two years. Though she does have trepidation about dating, Kelly does admit that there is more to the story.

Time Is Of The Essence

Tiffany Haddish soon became invested in why Kelly Clarkson struggled with dating and the general concept. She then circled back to what she had been saying since she moved to New York. There is so much going on and simply not enough time:

“I love adventure, but I’m gonna be real with you — there’s not a lot of time for adventure, ‘cause I’m a single mom, so there’s not a lot of time.”

She works while her two children are at school and then, back at home, she is helping out with homework and household stuff. Yes, Kelly does have a nanny which is very helpful but only for when she is not home. Other than that, she is very hands-on with her kids and their daily needs.

Hopefully, her magical person will find her and all of the awkward feelings will fly out the window. Can you relate to some of what Kelly is saying about dating? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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