Lori Loughlin Fumes Over John Stamos Making Out Comment

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Lori Loughlin recently spoke about John Stamos, who claimed the two Full House actors made out on a rollercoaster. Even if he joked, she’s allegedly fuming about it. She played the role of Rebecca Donaldson Katsopolis, (Aunt Becky,) and he played the part of Uncle Jesse on Netflix and ABC. They got along well, and he defended her after she served her time for the college admissions scandal.

Full House & Fuller House Colleagues Lori Loughlin  & John Stamos

John Stamos and Lori seem like good friends and In November last year, they did the Netflix “Beckham” dance trend together. They had a lot of fun dancing together to Islands in the Stream. Full House and Fuller House fans felt a bit nostalgic, and some of them wished for a return to the good old days.

Lori Loughlin as Aunt Becky Full House - ABC
Lori Loughlin as Aunt Becky Full House – ABC

Lori Loughlin and John Stamos also delighted Netflix fans when the Full House duo partnered up in 2022. That came when the When Calls the Heart alum joined in on the vocals as he played congo drums on Instagram. After the performance, they hugged each other, and that tugged at heartstrings. However, it seems they might be on the outs now.

Fuming About John Stamos?

On May 1, InTouch Weekly reported about the time that John Stamos claimed the duo made out on a “rollercoaster.” The outlet noted that she refuted the allegations when she spoke on “The How Rude, Tanneritos! podcast.” At the time, she seemed a bit upset but also seemed to write it off a bit lightheartedly. However, she’s really angry, according to the outlet’s source.

John Stamos as Jesse - Fuller House ABC
John Stamos as Jesse – Fuller House ABC

Lori Loughlin allegedly fumed about it, and the source said:

Lori is upset that John’s put her in this position. It’s left her feeling like she was used for a punchline. This is so uncomfortable for Lori because she’s always had such a great relationship with John…But she’s done being the nice girl. She’s sticking up for herself from now on.

If Lori Loughlin genuinely feels angry, perhaps she can reach out and discuss her feelings directly with John. Hollywood is an unforgiving place. And, so is the audience who adored her before her fall from grace. Since the When Calls the Heart star was caught up in the college admission scandal, she’s never regained her popularity. Friends count for so much, it would be a pity to see them stop talking to each other, do you agree?

What are your thoughts about Lori Loughlin who is allegedly furious with her friend, John Stamos? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your Full House and Netflix news.

James Michael

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