Joy-Anna Duggar Shares Postpartum Struggles In Latest Update

Joy-Anna Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From FollowtheForsyths YouTube

Counting On alum Joy-Anna Duggar Forsyth has been sharing positive content about her family. She’s becoming more active on her YouTube channel as well, uploading vlogs about their recent trips and bonding time with her siblings. However, the 26-year-old caught the attention of many after sharing that she’s been going through postpartum depression. Keep reading to see how she’s doing today.

Counting On: Joy-Anna Duggar Celebrates Big Milestone With Austin Forsyth

Joy-Anna recently took to Instagram to celebrate a big milestone with Austin. According to the Counting On alum, they just celebrated their 8th year since Austin asked her to be his girlfriend. The two even posed on the rock, where they made a promise to each other. “On this very rock, back in 2016, Austin asked me to be his girlfriend… 8 years ago!! ILY, Austin Martyn!” she captioned. The married couple has already welcomed three kids. Many of their posts today show how happy they are with their lives. However, Joy-Anna revealed that things are different behind cameras.

Austin Forsyth & Joy-Anna Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From @joy4site Instagram
Austin Forsyth & Joy-Anna Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From @joy4site Instagram

Joy-Anna Shares Postpartum Struggles

In a YouTube post, Joy-Anna shared their latest adventures with Austin and their kids. They were also accompanied by some of their friends and families from Austin’s side. But later in the vlog, Joy-Anna opened up about her postpartum depression. According to the former Counting On star, she’s been suffering from postpartum depression, much more than her past two births.

Joy-Anna Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From FollowtheForsyths YouTube
Joy-Anna Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From FollowtheForsyths YouTube

She also mentioned getting into counseling as well as having her bloodwork done. Joy-Anna Duggar Forsyth later said that it has affected her emotional, physical, and mental health. Austin’s wife also received positive comments from her viewers.

  • “Everyone has bad days Joy, you took the first step by seeing your Doctor! You are a wonderful wife and a amazing mother! I’ll be praying for you and your family.”
  • “Praying for you Joy. It’s so refreshing watching a family that is real. A lot of channels post the perfect unattainable life and y’all are real. Love it.”
  • “Life is hard!! There isn’t anything wrong with asking for help or taking antidepressants. I was in a very dark place and thankfully talked to my Dr. and started a low dose of medicine. I feel SO much better ! Sending hugs.””I’m so impressed with your strength and willingness to see help. PPD is not a sign of weakness and doesn’t make you a bad mom. You and your family will be so much better off with proper medical care. Thank you for sharing what you are going through. It will help a lot of women.”

Counting On: Joy-Anna Duggar Shares Fun Adventure With Family

Joy-Anna’s vlog was also filled with hilarious moments despite talking about her postpartum depression. One of them was a clip of Austin playing dead while floating on the river. He also fell off while unstucking one of their inflatable boats over a massive trunk of a tree.

Austin Forsyth & Joy-Anna Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From FollowtheForsyths YouTube
Austin Forsyth & Joy-Anna Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From FollowtheForsyths YouTube

The Counting On alums’ children also had a blast during their latest adventure. Joy-Anna Duggar Forsyth ended her vlog by showing off the beautiful view of their stopping point.

If you are looking for more Duggar family news, come back to TV Shows Ace for all your updates.

Michael Malley

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