‘Sister Wives’ Janelle Brown Gives Sweet Update On Gabe

Janelle Brown and Gabriel Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, Sourced from YouTube

Since Garrison Brown’s death in early March 2024, Sister Wives fans have been increasingly worried about his younger brother, Gabriel. Sadly, Gabe was the family member who discovered Garrison’s body after his passing. The brothers were incredibly close, leaving fans worried for Gabe’s mental health and general well-being.

In the weeks following Garrison’s death, Janelle Brown has been incredibly active and involved in her children’s lives. She spent time in North Carolina with Maddie Brown Brush’s family before going to see the eclipse with Logan and Michelle. And now, she’s provided a sweet update on Gabe.

Keep reading and see what Janelle had to say.

Janelle Brown Cooks Up A Feast For Her Kids

Losing a family member is always a difficult process. But Sister Wives fans suspected that the Browns were heavily impacted by Garrison’s loss after all the drama that happened onscreen last season.

It’s no secret that Garrison, Gabriel, and several other children had a fractured relationship with Kody Brown. Fans are worried about Garrison’s surviving siblings and hope they’re doing alright.

Christine Brown and Gabriel Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, Sourced from YouTube
Sister Wives/TLC

According to Janelle, things are starting to perk up around her home once again. On her Instagram stories, she shared that she had cooked a homemade meal for the kids. They’re enjoying their time together and Gabe clearly has a pretty big appetite.

“Trying to cook a little for my Flagstaff kids,” she captioned the photo. “When I mentioned cheeseburger pizza – Gabe said he would eat a whole one himself.”

Janelle Brown's Instagram story of a cheeseburger pizza
Janelle Brown/Instagram

Janelle’s followers are delighted to see that Gabe is spending time with his mother and eating well too.

The TLC Star & Family Throw A Thanksgiving Dinner In April

Fans are excited to see that Gabriel appears to be in better spirits. And according to Janelle, this isn’t the first time Gabe has done something fun and memorable following his brother’s tragic death.

Earlier in the week, Janelle revealed they had a Thanksgiving dinner in April.

“I’m back in Flagstaff this week. Gabe’s friends held a ‘friends-giving’ today as one of the group is an international student at NAU, had never been to a Thanksgiving and will be returning home at the end of the semester,” Janelle shared on Instagram. She attached a photo of Gabriel and his friends happily seated around a table full of delicious food. “I got to enjoy the meal and did none of the cooking. It was fun! We got to sample some Australian dishes (thanks El!) – sausage rolls and lamingtons 🤤”


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Are you glad to see that Gabe Brown is spending more time with Janelle and enjoying life again? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments.

To keep up with the Brown family, follow TV Shows Ace online to get the latest information on Sister Wives. Check back soon.

Nikole Behrens
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  1. All my prayers for Janelle and the kids.Janelle is a great mother and I pray the pain of losing Garrison eases with time.

  2. Losing a child is hard but much worse when it’s from suicide. Through the first few years comes the hurt of thinking what could I have done to stop this? You might have slowed it down but when reality hits you realize he would have done it anyway, just later. You will reach a point where you don’t think about it every day but there will be a song or you will see someone that looks like him and that old hurt is right there waiting to emerge. My prayers are with you and your family. I survived and you will too. God bless all of you.
    Another mother that wishes this had never happened 🙏😇

  3. My son’s best friend committed suicide when they were 20 years old.
    I loved him too.
    They were “brothers” in every way except DNA.
    I watched my youngest son fall to pieces in every way.
    Despite our family’s full love and support, including counseling, which I insisted on within 2 weeks of the funeral, he was lost.
    He began drinking secretly, he became angry.
    He started smoking, both cigarettes and Marijuana very heavily.
    By the time we knew about all this, he had lost his job, his girlfriend, his apartment and was no longer recognizable.

    It took 2 years of hard work to get his life back on track.
    I have never been more helpless as a mom.

    Suicide is the most terrifying a family can deal with.
    Please do NOT take mental health for granted, because there is no way to prepare for what may happen when signs are ignored.

    I continue to pray for all the Browns.
    Especially Janelle, Christine and all their children.

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