‘The View’ Hosts Evacuate Studio Due To Fire

The View - YouTube

The View hosts had to evacuate their studio due to a fire that started next door. Tamron Hall had a fire started in her studio, and everyone had to evacuate the building. Whoopi Goldberg, Ana Navarro, Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin, and Alyssa Griffin are the hosts of the show and had to leave the building immediately. They were getting ready to perform their show when they had to leave.

The View Hosts Had To Evacuate

The hosts of the show had to evacuate their studio.

“This morning we had to evacuate the studio because there was a fire that we did not start, we do not know who started it, we do not know what started it.”

Farah Griffin made a joke about it.

“It really made me understand my priorities, because once I saw all the hosts were fine, I was like, ‘Where’s my glam team?’ Like, leave [executive producer Brian Teta], but as long as hair and makeup is safe.'”

The rest of the hosts then said what they grabbed when the alarms started going off. Navarro joined remotely and said her thoughts.

 “I was coming in from the airport and there was a Hot Topics meeting so I pressed the Zoom link, thinking I would find all of you on the Zoom, and it was dark, empty, and alarm and flashing lights, I thought, ‘Holy hell.’ “

Whoopi Goldberg - The View - YouTube
Whoopi Goldberg – The View – YouTube

Tamron Hall Show

The Tamron Hall show is currently at a halt when her studio caught on fire. 

“We had a grease fire in our kitchen, just about an hour and a half ago, the entire staff, we were in place preparing for our live show today. The audience was in the holding area of the show, preparing to come out here and cheer and have a phenomenal show today. But as my friend Bevy Smith says, ‘Sometimes life be living,’ and that’s what happened today.”

Thankfully no one was hurt.

Tamron Hall - YouTube/Tamron Hall Show
YouTube/Tamron Hall Show

It seems that it was a grease fire in the kitchen that caused everyone to leave. It is unknown when Tamron can get back into her studio. Everyone was safe and there was no harm done. However, it did halt her show and she is currently doing a recorded version. It also affected the other studios in the area and made it to where they could not air that day. What do you think about what happened? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent

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