Nick Viall Says ‘Bachelor’ Execs Should Try Harder For Daisy Kent

Nick Viall and Daisy Kent via Instagram

Former Bachelor Nick Viall met up with Daisy Kent on his podcast The Viall Files. They talked about her time with Joey Graziadei on The Bachelor and also about why she turned down The Bachelorette. After Daisy said no she was not doing the show, producers announced Jenn Tran as the new lead. However, Nick thinks this wasn’t done in the right manner. He also thinks they should have done more to get Daisy to accept their offer. What did he say? Keep reading to find out more.

Nick Viall Thinks Producers Should Have Done More For Daisy Kent

Daisy Kent appeared on The Viall Files where she talked with Nick Viall about her experience. She also talked about turning down The Bachelorette just two weeks before their announcement.

Jenn Tran was named the new lead after the role was turned down by Daisy and reportedly Maria Georgas. However, Nick thinks this isn’t the best route they could have taken. With that said, he is happy for Jenn and glad Asian Americans are getting representation on the show. However, he feels they didn’t go about it right.

He also thinks ABC should have done more to get Daisy on board with being The Bachelorette. He said, “The show should have done whatever they could have done to make Daisy the Bachelorette.”

Nick went on to say that they should have “paid [Daisy] an amount that would have been hard to turn down” and also “bent over backwards” to ensure her health was taken care of.

A man with short, curly brown hair wearing earphones and talking into a microphone.
Nick Viall/Credit: YouTube

Why Does He Feel This Way?

Nick Viall thinks Daisy would have been great as the lead and that the show really needed her to return. He said, “I just think so often their best Bachelorettes have this kind of sassy snark. They’re spitfires and it’s very entertaining. They haven’t had like a real true girl next door Bachelorette.”

Nick believes having Daisy as the lead would have led to two back-to-back iconic seasons of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. 

Plus, Daisy is not only sweet, she’s not a pushover. She didn’t fall to the pressure of telling Joey Graziadei she was falling in love with him. She even gained more social media followers than Joey himself.

Daisy kent via insta 1

However, just because Nick supports Daisy, doesn’t mean he isn’t happy for Jenn. He said, “They just didn’t they did not set her up for success. They were not planning on having her be The Bachelorette.”

What do you think about Nick’s thoughts? Do you think producers should have tried harder to get Daisy to be The Bachelorette?

Stay tuned for more updates.

Jamie Colclasure


  1. Yes they should have tried harder to secure Daisy as the next Bachelorette !! Jen is beautiful an sweet but I won’t be watching but I would have If it would have been Daisy

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