Gypsy Rose Blanchard Shares First Pic Of New Nose Post-Surgery

Gypsy Rose Blanchard-YouTube

Gypsy Rose Blanchard has shared the first photo of her new nose post-surgery. She just went under the knife on Friday, April 5th, 2024. Now, she is recovering but she had to show off what she had done and how she is doing. Keep reading for more details and to see her new nose.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Shares First Pic Of New Nose Post-Surgery

Since Gypsy Rose Blanchard was released from prison on December 28th, 2023, she has done a lot. Initially, she was with her husband, Ryan Scott Anderson which she was very happy about. Together, they adopted a puppy named Pixie and were hoping to start a family. Unfortunately, three months after her release, Gypsy revealed that the two had parted ways and she was living with her parents.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard-YouTube
Gypsy Rose Blanchard-YouTube

Additionally, she was hanging out with her ex-fiance, Ken Urker though they maintained they were just friends. However, he always seemed to be the one who got away and they appeared to be happy. The next step for Gypsy was lightening her hair and getting a tattoo with Ken. She was spotted smoking outside with him and chatting.

Then, she wanted to get a nose job which was huge for her. According to TMZ, the thirty-two-year-old underwent rhinoplasty and septoplasty. The latter is used to correct a deviated septum, allowing a person to breathe much better. It will also straighten the septum whereas the rhinoplasty will change the shape of the nose.

Gypsy Rose - Instagram
Gypsy Rose Blanchard -Instagram

Louisiana doctor Dr. Jeffrey J. Joseph performed the surgery and Gypsy seems to be recovering quite well. She was seen eating an ice pop and smiling. Allegedly, it cost about $5K to get this done but no word on whether it was done pro bono given who she is or what she went through.

Fans and followers can watch Gypsy Rose Blanchard prepare for this life-changing procedure when her next documentary comes out. She already had one on Lifetime following her time in prison, learning she received early release up until she came home. Now, this will be her life after jail.

A New Lease On Life

Gypsy Rose Blanchard spent years held captive by her mother, Dee Dee Blanchard as a victim of Munchausen by proxy. She made her daughter believe that she had ailments and such that she did not have, even going through surgeries she did not need. This caused Gypsy to recruit her online boyfriend, Nick Godejohn to stab her mother to death. Nick was sentenced to life in prison whereas Gypsy received ten years but served only 85%. It appears she is trying to find out who she is with that behind her.

Are you excited to see what she looks like when she is all healed? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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