‘Quiet On Set’ Melissa Joan Hart Believes Allegations In Docuseries

Quiet On Set Melissa Joan Hart - YouTube, E! Entertainment

Melissa Joan Hart is the latest former Nickelodeon star to come forward with their thoughts on the Quiet On Set docuseries. The controversial documentary has brought attention to the darker side of kid’s television production in the 90s and early 2000s. Melissa Joan Hart was a child actor at Nickelodeon at the time and has taken a moment to share her thoughts on the allegations.

Melissa Joan Hart Hasn’t Seen Quiet On Set Yet

The former Nickelodeon star was a guest on the Meghan McCain Has Entered The Chat podcast. Meghan asked Melissa if she had watched Quiet On Set: The Dark Side Of Kids TV yet.

Quiet On Set has given an unsettling look behind the scenes of some of Nick’s most popular shows, including The Amanda Show, Drake Josh, and All That. Actor and musician Drake Bell also came forward for the first time in the documentary to reveal the sexual abuse he experienced at the hands of acting coach Brian Peck during his time working with Nickelodeon.

Quiet On Set Melissa Joan Hart - YouTube, Citizen McCain with Meghan McCain
YouTube/Citizen McCain with Meghan McCain

Melissa Joan Hart starred in Nick’s Clarissa Explains It All between 1991 and 1994. So, Meghan McCain was curious about Melissa’s experience at the network and what her thoughts on the docuseries were.

“I have not seen the documentary and that’s a mistake,” Melissa admitted on the podcast. She continued, “I think I need to see the documentary. I keep meaning to, but at night when I go to bed, again, I’m like, ‘Eh, Friends.’ It’s too late, I don’t want to do that right now. I’ll get worked up.”

Melissa Always Felt ‘Very Protected And Very Safe’

Meghan McCain then asked the former Nickelodeon star if she experienced any “creepiness” like other child actors are detailing in the series. Melissa said that she personally “had nothing but a wonderful experience.” Outside of working some long hours, the Sabrina The Teenage Witch said she didn’t have anything bad to say.

Despite her personal experience, Melissa Joan Hart acknowledged that not every child star’s experience is the same. She believes the allegations being made in Quiet On Set.

“I don’t know other people’s experiences. I’m not negating anything anyone else says,” she told Meghan. “I’ve never been told these people’s stories that are in the documentary or and I have to say I’ve never heard a story from a Nickelodeon star personally.”

Quiet On Set Melissa Joan Hart - YouTube, NickRewind

“No one’s come to me and talked to me about any of these situations, and that’s not to say anything about anyone’s story,” Melissa continued. “I absolutely trust and believe them 100 percent.”

Then she talked about some of the long hours she was required to work. She said that it was difficult at times because she was worried about classes, SATs, and other normal high school things.

However, she said, she always felt “very protected and very safe” on the set.

Producers announced a fifth episode of Quiet On Set: The Dark Side Of Kids TV. It will be released next Friday, April 5. Read more about the release here.

Amanda Blankenship

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