Simon Cowell Gets Netflix New Talent Show Deal, Details

Simon Cowell America's Got Talent - YouTube

Simon Cowell, famous for talent shows like American Idol, America’s Got Talent, and The X Factor, is reportedly signing up with Netflix in a hunt for performers like One Direction. Of course, everyone knows that One Direction became famous through The X-Factor, but they split up.

Simon Cowell And One Direction Ended Badly

The famous judge from America’s Got Talent helped One Direction become international stars via The X-Factor. However, their mentor rued the day he did that when they split, and he claimed they were “a nightmare” to work with. Mud-slinging came from both sides. So, when he celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the band, trolls who sided with Harry Styles posted death threats on his social media.

Simon Cowell's One Direction From The X-Factor Vevo YouTube
Simon Cowell’s One Direction From The X-Factor – Vevo YouTube

Simon Cowell wasn’t hurt by the threats but there were death hoaxes in the years that followed. In fact, in 2023, two death hoaxes made the headlines. Of course, he wasn’t dead, and now it looks like he turned his mind back to One Direction. Although the America’s Got Talent star canceled The X-Factor, he now seems to want to find One Direction 2.0 based on his past success.

New Netflix Talent Show Deal

The Sun reported that Netflix might sign off on a new deal for a talent show soon. Speaking with a source, it seems that “Simon wants to replicate [One Direction’s success] and find a group who can reach the heights One Direction did.” More followed:

Simon is preparing to sign a huge deal with Netflix to find the world’s next biggest boy band. He is working with the team behind Drive To Survive on the show and wanted to get it on a streamer because it fits the audience better.


Simon Cowell Hits Golden Buzzer [AGT | YouTube]
Simon Cowell – AGT – YouTube
Netflix wasn’t the only streaming platform interested in the new talent show. Insiders revealed that “Apple and Prime Video” were also keen, but he’s working on the deal with Netflix at the moment. In fact, Simon Cowell reportedly already started filming for the new show in the UK.

Official Announcement For The New Show

At this time, no official announcement arrived for the new talent show. However, one should arrive shortly and apparently, Simon already put together a “PR team” to deal with that. Even though he’s now in his mid-sixties, nothing seems to hold the man down. Remember, he returned to work after his horrific bike accident in 2020 that broke his back. In fact, he seems determined to leave a legacy of good music behind him.

What are your thoughts about Simon Cowell getting so much interest from streaming platforms for a new talent show? Do you think he can find a replacement band for One Direction with Netflix? Shout out in the comments below and come back here for all your talent show news.

James Michael

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