Why Maria Georgas Made Peace With Lea & Sydney But Not Jess

Two women looking at each other

Maria Georgas was at odds with multiple women during Season 28 of The Bachelor. Why did she make peace with Lea and Sydney but not Jess?

Maria Georgas Faces The Music

Maria Georgas found herself in the hot season on the Women Tell All special that aired this week. Host Jesse Palmer called her to the stage to address what went down between her and the other women on Season 28 of The Bachelor.

But first, the spotlight was on her time with Joey Graziadei. After watching footage of their time together, Maria said that it was clear they had a connection. However, her reluctance to express her feelings seemed to seal her elimination after hometown dates.

A woman with black hair
Maria Georgas/Credit: ABC YouTube

Speaking about that, she confessed to regretting not opening up sooner but said she believes “everything happens for a reason” and holds no ill will toward Joey.

How She Made Peace With Sydney & Lea

When she wasn’t connecting with Joey Graziadei, Maria often found herself at the center of arguments with the other women. It all began on the first night when she told Madina Alam that 31 isn’t old. Maria’s comment was meant to be reassuring after Madina expressed concern over being the oldest contestant in the house.

However, Madina took the comment as Maria dismissing her feelings. Madina and Maria resolved their issue, but Sydney Gordon took up the battle for Madina. She called Maria a “bully,” but it was ultimately Sydney that Joey chose to send home.

But the feud didn’t end there. Lea Cayanan shocked fans by meddling in the drama and continuing it on Sydney’s behalf. Maria, Lea, and Sydney addressed their feud during the Women Tell All.

Two women sitting next to each other
Sydney Gordon and Lea Cayanan/Credit: ABC YouTube

The three ladies made up and even hugged. Maria Georgas spoke to PEOPLE magazine after the taping to add more context to how they made peace.

“I said this to Sydney, because she said to me, ‘I don’t think you were this, that, and the other thing. I don’t believe that anymore. I’m sorry that I said those things.’ And I was like, ‘You know what? I believe you didn’t think those things of me. I think that you were just trying to go to bat for someone.’” – Maria Georgas, PEOPLE magazine.

Why Rift With Jess Edwards Remains Unresolved

While Maria buried the hatchet with Lea and Sydney, she told the outlet her feud with Jess is “to be continued.” Why?

The issue with Jess and Maria began after Maria whisked Joey away for a chat even though she already had a rose. Jess took issue with it, calling it disrespectful. She had some choice words for Maria, but Maria told PEOPLE magazine that Jess apologized for calling her “a b*tch.” What happened?

According to Maria, things were good between them. “Then she tried to come at me,” Maria said, though she didn’t go into detail on how.

So, as it stands now, Maria had this to say about Jess Edwards: “So Jess, I don’t know yet. To be continued.”

What did you think of Maria making up with Sydney and Lea at Women Tell All? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Jennifer Havener
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