Is Chantel Everett Still With Vacation Boyfriend Giannis?

Chantel Everett-YouTube

Fans are dying to know if Chantel Everett is still dating the guy she met on vacation in Greece, Giannis. The two hit it off while she was gone on vacation as a single woman since her divorce from Pedro. Giannis as a Greek soccer player even took Chantel to the field he is always at to share that side of himself with her. However, everyone is wondering if the two are still trying to make long-distance work. Or if he ever went to Atlanta to see her. Keep reading to find out.

Chantel And Giannis

Chantel took a vacation to Greece with three of her friends. While in Greece, she met Giannis. She was thinking it was just going to be a fling, but it turned into more. The two hung out every day she was there. She did start to have some doubts about how he felt about her when he pulled back a bit. She wanted him to make more moves than he was making and felt like she was initiating everything between them. However, once Giannis took her to the field he plays at, she realized he was into her more than she thought. The two then made plans for Giannis to come see Chantel in Atlanta.

Chantel Everett-YouTube
Chantel Everett-YouTube

Is Chantel Everett Still With Him?

It seems that Chantel is not with Giannis anymore. On March 11, she did receive flowers from someone whom she did not name. However, she does not follow the Greek man on any social media. This points to them splitting up. The two were going to attempt to make long-distance work, but it did not work for her before. Why would it work now? It is still unknown if Giannis ever made the trip to Atlanta or if they called it off before it got to that point. Even though he showed up at the place they were staying before she left to go to the airport with roses, it was not enough effort to make it work.

Chantel Everett TikTok

It does seem as though the two are not as close as they once were. With Chantel not following Giannis on any social media, it made fans think the two cut it off. Chantel was already weary of getting into another long-distance relationship. However, fans did not understand why she got attached to Giannis if she was already uncomfortable with the situation. Do you think they broke up due to distance or because something happened? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent

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