Courtney Waldrop Over The Top With More Pics Of Bloody Kids?

Sweet Home Sextuplets Parents Courtney Waldrop, Eric Waldrop - Instagram

Courtney Waldrop still has many Sweet Home Sextuplets fans who follow the former TLC star on social media. Actually, she has over 600K of them and they often see the kids with bloody injuries. This week, it was Tag who got his face photographed and the details of the injury were shared.

TLC Courtney Waldrop Has Nine Kids & They Get Hurt

Sweet Home Sextuplets fans heard that the mom of nine children can’t always prevent her kids from being injured because the odds are that someone will be hurt at any given time. But, some people grow weary of seeing the bloody incidents detailed on social media. The family opted to pull out of filming for TLC, but clearly, it wasn’t to give the children any privacy. From Saylor, 15, the oldest with his broken nose, to the little ones, they all get shared in gory detail.

Saylor Waldrop Broke His Nose - Courtney Waldrop - Instagram
Saylor Waldrop Broke His Nose – Courtney Waldrop – Instagram

Courtney Waldrop exhausted her TLC fans when the show first started. She often seemed flustered, and as the kids grew up, they ran wild. And, they still do. The kids don’t seem to walk anywhere. They jump off tables, dance around, and almost seem to invite being hurt. Blu, one of the sextuplets, seemed most likely to end up with a serious injury. But over the years, probably all of them ended up at the ER. Is their mom over the top with sharing it?

Sweet Home Sextuplets’ Mom Shares Another Bloody Kid

TLC fans appreciate that some injuries happen during games because the boys all play baseball and basketball. That might explain why people seldom see the three girls, Rivers, Rayne, and Rawlings in the ER. But, they have been seen by the doctor from time to time. The kids are six now, and more active, if that’s possible. So more injuries arrive on Instagram.

The Waldrop Sextuplets Turned Six - Courtney Waldrop - Instagram
The Waldrop Sextuplets Turned Six – Courtney Waldrop – Instagram

This week’s tale of injuries by Courtney Waldrop involves Tag, and he was hurt at a sports ground, but not on the field. In her Instagram story caption, she explained:

Poor fella ran into the corner of the bleachers last night at Saylor’s baseball game and literally sliced his nose and head. But his nose was really bad!! Thank the Lord for a sweet friend/nurse who went and got her medical glue and fixed him right up…

Tag Waldrop Gets Bloody - Courtney Waldrop Instagram
Tag Waldrop Gets Bloody – Courtney Waldrop Instagram

What do you think of the Waldrop sextuplets and their older brothers being injured so often? Do you find it all a bit over the top? After all, it’s not like everyone in the world shares photos of their kids every time they get bloody. Should Courtney Waldrop rather keep some of it off social media for a bit of privacy? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, and come back here for all your Sweet Home Sextuplets news.

James Michael

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