What’s Wrong With American Idol’s Kaibrienne Richins?

Kaibrienne 'KB' Richins - American Idol

American Idol fans agree that contestant Kaibrienne “KB” Richins sings beautifully, but she has some health issues. Naturally, fans want to know more about her condition, as she seems to be full of grit and determination. Will she be okay? Read on to find out.

American Idol Talent 2024 Seems Very Good

Fans of the popular talent show seemed spoiled for choice in 2024. Certainly, those going through to Hollywood Week seem likely to go far. Some people believe that certain contestants like Emmy Lynn Russell have an unfair advantage. If you don’t know, her grandmother, the late Loretta Lynn was known as the Queen of Country Music.

Another strong American Idol competitor comes along with many built-in voters. MacKenzie Sol sang Bring It On Home to Me by Sam Cooke. However, some people feel that it’s unfair because he has over 12 million social media followers. The TikTok influencer might get many votes just because people already follow him. Meanwhile, Kaibrienne “KB” Richins has 127.4K followers on TikTok.

Kaibrienne ‘KB’ Richins Suffers A Health Issue

When Kaibrienn sang “Something in the Orange,” her dad, Justin Jewell Richins, watched her performance. Luke Bryan pushed her to explain her painful health condition that she’s had since 4th Grade, and her dad said:

It’s been a struggle to see the most beautiful girl in the world, who I know has more potential in her little finger than I will ever have, struggle to regulate her emotions. She can go from ‘this is the best thing in the world’ to turning her to say she ‘wants to die.”


Kaibrienne Richins - Instagram
Kaibrienne Richins – Instagram

You can watch the full performance and backstory of the American Idol contestant further down in this article. This doesn’t seem to be a person who will just get by because of a sad story. Most people agree that she is extremely talented. During the show, Kaibrienne Richins explained that she suffers from “Hashimoto’s Disease.” And, she uses music to help her through the worst times.

What Is Hashimoto’s Disease?

According to John Hopkins Medicine, Kaibrienne Richins seems young for the autoimmune illness that targets the thyroid gland. People at high risk are adult women who sometimes present with it during pregnancy.Most cases happen between 40 to 60 years of age. But it has been seen in younger people.”

The American Idol star complained of pain, but the condition caused by the body’s defenses attacking itself by mistake can include extreme “tiredness,” “muscle weakness,” “weight gain,” “depression,” and more. Depending on whether it creates an underactive or overactive thyroid, medication is available that can help. However, it’s likely to bother the young singer for the rest of her life.


What are your thoughts about Kaibrienne ‘KB’ Richins who struggles with her health? Have you heard of Hashimoto’s Disease before? Do you love her singing voice, grit, and determination? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your American Idol news.

James Michael

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