Fans Admire Ungrateful Alana Thompson’s Graduation Gift

Alana 'Honey Boo Boo' Thompson/YouTube

Mama June: Family Crisis fans saw that (Honey Boo Boo,) Alana Thompson’s graduation from high school featured in the WeTV show. From spoilers on social media, they already knew that she received a special pink car as a graduation gift. However, it was only this week, that viewers saw her ungrateful reaction to it. Meanwhile, many young people would have given anything to have it for college.

WeTV Star Alana Thompson Seemed Entitled And Ungrateful

In July last year, Honey Boo Boo upset some WeTV fans because she requested graduation gifts if people wanted to send them. At the time, nobody was making a big fuss about her graduation. She also made the same statement about her birthday gifts. So, she ended up slammed for making a living off her fans. Anyway, she received lots of gifts from her family.

Alana Thompson's Pink Car - Mama June Family Crisis WeTV
Alana Thompson’s Pink Car – Mama June: Family Crisis – WeTV

Alana Thompson’s graduation arrived, and her family gifted her a beautiful pink car. Excited, the family couldn’t wait to reveal it to her. However, she behaved badly and seemed more interested in her lashes than the car. Poor Josh Efird tried to get her to smile and pointed out that they had painted it her favorite color. Eventually, in a confessional, she conceded that she liked the color but wanted an SUV instead. Meanwhile, Pumpkin (Lauryn Efird) waited to hear her sister say thank you.

Mama June: Family Crisis Gift Envied By WeTV Fans

Nine months ago, WeTV fans discussed the pink car on Reddit. From their reactions, one might have easily anticipated that Honey Boo Boo would have jumped for joy. By being half-hearted about it, she seems to feel very entitled. Back then, fans would have given almost anything for such a nice graduation gift.

WeTV Fans reacted To Alana's Graduation Car -2023 - Via Reddit
WeTV Fans Reacted to Alana’s Graduation Car -2023 – Via Reddit

The OP noted that Alana Thompson got a pink car as her gift.

Alana gets a pink car for Graduation 🎓

In the comments, it became clear that plenty of people would welcome such a nice gift.

  • I would have killed for that car when I was 16 or even 18, lol. Shoot, I’d even drive it now! It’s cute.
  • It’s a freaking Honda, that’s a great grad car for a young person!
  • Ya right?? honestly the car is super dope.
  • I didn’t have any type of graduation party and didn’t even get any gifts at all. This is so sweet for them to do for her.
  • I would’ve been grateful for anything! I’m surprised she got a car at all.

What are your thoughts about Alana Thompson’s seemingly ungrateful reaction to her pink car? Would you give anything to have one for your graduation gift? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your Mama June: Family Crisis news.

James Michael

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