Lauryn ‘Pumpkin’ Efird Making New Season All About Her?

Lauryn 'Pumpkin' Efird-YouTube

Is Lauryn ‘Pumpkin’ Efird making the new season of Mama Crisis: Family Crisis all about her? It seems that fans believe she is becoming very egocentric. Yet, what has prompted them to say that about the mother of four? Read on for more details on the situation.

Lauryn ‘Pumpkin’ Efird Making New Season All About Her?

This season of Family Crisis is supposed to be about the family coming together for the sake of Anna Cardwell. She was diagnosed with storage 4 adrenal carcinoma which was revealed at the end of last season. Now, she will undergo chemo and try to live the rest of her life the best that she can. At the same time, Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson graduated high school and is figuring out her future. However, Lauryn ‘Pumpkin’ Efird has found a way to make the first two episodes solely about herself. Fans have noticed this and they are not happy with her behavior at all.

Mama June, Alana Thompson, Lauryn 'Pumpkin' Efird, Jessica Shannon-YouTube
Mama June, Alana Thompson, Lauryn ‘Pumpkin’ Efird, Jessica Shannon-YouTube

In a recent Reddit thread, it was discussed how Pumpkin was with Anna through her chemo in the latest episode. Then, she suddenly started to make arrangements for her sister’s family and such which made fans frustrated. Here’s what the OP wrote:

    • if anna didn’t ask pumpkin to raise her children why did she make a story line out of it? why is anyone acting like they don’t have a father? what gives them a right to make every episode about anna’s cancer? i feel like without anna’s story line they wouldn’t have one!!!!

Did fellow Redditors agree with this or did they think there was more to the season?

  • They struggle to take care of the 4 kids they have and I am sure it didn’t go unnoticed by Anna.
  • Bc June didn’t give any of them a father, so they can’t imagine a father raising his kids
  • I wish Anna’s kids didn’t have to be split up and Kaitlyn didn’t have to live with June and that creep Justin
  • I agree! Without Anna there is no storyline.

Just A Prop

One follower noted that Anna Cardwell appeared to be a “prop” on the show and had been that way since they first began on reality television. Then, someone dropped this bombshell which was actually very sobering:

  • This whole thing is sad but Anna had to do the show due to Anna and Eldridge struggling with rent. That’s why Anna was Doordashing and Eldridge had to call off work to go with Anna. That’s why I get confused when people keep saying they’re gonna get social security checks off Anna when they were struggling.

If that is true, it makes the whole situation even more sickening and depressing. Lauryn ‘Pumpkin’ Efird always had Honey Boo Boo to take care of and now, that is ending. Therefore, it seems like maybe she was looking for the next little one to take in. However, she has four littles to put energy so she should have just enjoyed her sister while she was there.

Do you think Pumpkin has been making it all about herself or is it just the way she is coming across? Let us know and watch Family Crisis Fridays on WeTV.

Amanda Lauren

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