‘Seeking Sister Wife’ Winder Family Upgrading For New Lady?

Tami Winder, Colton Winder, Sophie Winder-Facebook

Is former Seeking Sister Wife family, the Winders, upgrading their home and lives to accommodate a new sister wife? They have been content since they all moved in together during their second season on the show. Yet, have things changed and caused them to uproot their lives? Read on for more details as to what is going on.

Seeking Sister Wife Winder Family Upgrading For New Lady?

For their first season on Seeking Sister Wife, the Winders just wanted to become comfortable with their lifestyle. By the following season, second wife, Sophie Winder was pregnant with her first child. Along with that, she had officially moved in with her husband, Colton, his first and legal wife, Tami Winder, and their daughter, Sadie. By that time, they were on the hunt for a third wife and they thought they had found one. Her name was Kimberley and she really connected with the women. However, she did not click with Colton and that was vital.

Tami Winder, Colton Winder, Sophie Winder-Instagram
Tami Winder, Colton Winder, Sophie Winder-Instagram

When the season ended, the family decided that they would further focus on expanding with children. Sophie had a daughter while Tami struggled with fertility issues but ended up having a daughter, as well. Now, Sophie is pregnant with her third child and is near delivery but they seemingly are selling their home, per a Reddit thread. The OP wrote this:

    • Winder Family Moving. I found their house for sale on Zillow. Anyone know why they are moving? Maybe to add another sister wife?

They love their home and were seen renovating it on Seeking Sister Wife and even after they left. Yet, they have not expressed any interest in looking for another wife. What did fellow Redditors think was the reason for the move?

  • They still together. They’ve had two babies since the show. There’s another one on the way. They probably just need more space.
  • I mean their family has grown by a lot of babies in the last couple of years. Might be time to move regardless of number of wives.
  • They’ve recently had forty-leven kids maybe that’s why. They haven’t mentioned anything on insta about a new SW

More Babies

The Winders were not asked back for Season 4 of Seeking Sister Wife and that was because they had another focus. They did not seem to care much for looking for another wife. Rather, they wanted to deal with Tami Winder’s fertility issues and helping her have a baby. As the Redditors noted, the family has grown a lot since they were on the show. They had just two children and now, they have added three more. So, it is likely they are moving to accommodate kids and not a wife.

Do you think they are content as it is? Or, is there a chance for another wife? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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