Ashley Iaconetti Updates Fans On Second Pregnancy

Ashley Iaconetti via instagram

Bachelor in Paradise alum Ashley Iaconetti is opening up and sharing an update with fans. She shared how her second pregnancy is going on her Instagram Stories. Is she as sick as she was while pregnant with Dawson? Keep reading to find out what she has to say.

Ashley Iaconetti updates fans on second pregnancy

Ashley Iaconetti did a Q&A with fans on Instagram and shared an update on her second pregnancy. A fan asked her how she is feeling with this pregnancy. Ashley said she does not have hyperemesis gravidarum. She suffered from this condition while she was pregnant with Dawson.

Hyperemesis gravidarum is severe nausea and vomiting. Some women are even hospitalized with the condition. Ashley noted she isn’t sure how she got so lucky to not have it again. She said the odds of having it again after having it once are “super high.”

She continued saying that instead of throwing up several times a day she only vomits a few times a week. Ashley has been nauseous for the past nine weeks and she shared she just reached her 16-week mark.

Ashley Iaconetti and Jared Haibon/Credit: Ashley Iaconetti Instagram

Since hitting 16 weeks she said she’s felt pretty decent the past few days and may actually be able to do things around the house without using her anti-nausea medication.

Ashley was sick with Dawson until she reached 30 weeks. She believes this time will be much better and end sooner.

Ashley Iaconetti pregnancy update

Has she revealed the baby’s gender?

Ashley Iaconetti and Jared Haibon have not revealed the gender of their second child yet. However, they do already know. She shared on Instagram that they will be sharing their news with fans soon. She said they filmed a gender reveal while they were in Orlando taking Dawson to Disney World.

Fans think that she may have slipped up on her podcast with Ben Higgins and given away the gender. It sounded like she started to say boy then caught herself before the full slip-up.

The couple has also shared that after two babies they are probably done.

She also shared that her due date is July 29, 2024.

Ashley and Jared will have their hands full with two babies under three.

Fans love this couple and follow their story on social media. They are one of the many Bachelor in Paradise success stories.

What do you think of Ashley’s update? Do you think she’s having a boy or a girl?

Stay tuned for more updates.

Jamie Colclasure

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