‘NCIS’ Season 21: Tim McGee’s Life Will Suddenly Get Bigger

Now that NCIS Season 21 is back, fans have some questions. Now that Sean Murray, who plays Tim McGee has been on the show the longest, many want to know what to expect in this upcoming season.
Recently, the showrunners of the CBS Military Procedural Series shared some news about McGee in the upcoming season. It sounds like his life is about to be getting bigger!
What did they reveal?
Tim McGee’s World Will Suddenly Get Bigger In NCIS Season 21
NCIS Season 21 is finally happening. Fans already know that this season will include the historic 1,000 episodes, as well as an episode honoring David McCallum, the late actor who portrayed Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard.
However, what about the main cast, such as McGee? What will happen to the longest agent on the team this upcoming season?
According to TV Line, who spoke to the series co-showrunners Steven D. Binder and David North, there will be some familial surprises this season thanks to his own inquisitive nature.
All of our characters on NCIS know that family is more important than anything. But, after McGee takes a genealogy DNA test, he’s shocked to find out he has more family than he realized.
This sounds like McGee’s life and family history is going to be redefined by one simple DNA test. What could this surprise include?
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Agent Jessica Knight Gets Into A Family Feud
What about NCIS couple Jessica (Katrina Law), and Jimmy Palmer (Brian Dietzen)? While it does not look like there are any issues with them as a couple, Jimmy still may be walking on eggshells. That is because Knight’s father comes to town, and he has some advice that Knight chooses to ignore.
Binder and North revealed, “Knight has her own special family drama to deal with when her father shows up during a case and has some ideas what his daughter should be doing with her life.” They even reveal that the actor portraying Knight’s father is Russell Wong.
They continue to share how #KnightInShiningPalmer will be dealing with this situation. What we know is that “There’s poor Jimmy Palmer, stuck exactly where nobody would ever want to be: aka in the middle of a Knight family feud.”
That is not the only reveal in this piece. Do things get a little NSFW in the premiere episode? Because they hint that there is “role play” In the premiere episode.
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The premiere of NCIS Season 21 is on Monday, February 12, at 9 p.m., Eastern on CBS. In addition, Paramount+ subscribers can stream the series anytime.
NCIS fans are you ready for some new Season 21 stories?