Kylie Kelce Reveals What Family Members Are Not Going To Game

Kylie And Jason Kelce

Kylie Kelce recently revealed what members of the Kelce family would not be attending the Super Bowl game this Sunday. Travis Kelce is a tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs. The Kansas City Chiefs will be taking on the San Francisco 49ers for the Super Bowl ring on February 11. However, some of Travis’ family members will not be there. Who won’t be there?

Travis And Taylor Make Fame

Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift have been dating since July 2023. However, there have been some mixed opinions on the couple. Taylor Swift has been supporting Travis Kelce by showing up to his games. Some people do not like how much the cameras show her, but that is not her fault, and it is not up to her. Taylor is going to be rushing to get back to Las Vegas in time for the game, but she will make it work. She performed in Tokyo last night and is already on her way back to make it in time and rest. Travis could not even attend the Grammy’s with Taylor because he was training for the Super Bowl. However, Taylor won two Grammy’s and announced her new album that will come out April 19.

Travis Kelce, Taylor Swift, YouTube
Travis Kelce, Taylor Swift, YouTube

Kylie Kelce Reveals Who Won’t Be There

Kylie Kelce revealed that her and Jason’s three daughters will not be attending the Super Bowl game on Sunday. However, this is probably for the best considering they are all so young.

“[They stay home] as long as Dad’s not playing, I think it’s a little bit controversial, but even during regular season games, I don’t take the girls to every game. They’re still very young, A stadium with thousands of people can be overwhelming, and there’s three of them. It can get hectic, it’s just a lot.”

The couple will be busy supporting Travis Kelce and want to focus on that instead of chasing their kids around which is understandable.

Jason and Travis Kelce, New Heights - YouTube
Jason and Travis Kelce, New Heights – YouTube

While it is unsure where they will be sitting during the game, it is safe to say they will be there to cheer on Travis. However, his three nieces will not be in attendance which is probably for the best. It would be hectic for Kylie and Jason and would be overwhelming for the girls. The only reason they were there last year was for Jason. It also costs a lot more money to bring them all. Travis will understand. What do you think? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent

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