‘Clarkson’s Farm’ Kaleb Cooper Shocks With Secret Talent

Kaleb from Clarkson Farms - Instagram

Amazon Prime’s Clarkson’s Farm star Kaleb Cooper dropped a bombshell yesterday. On both YouTube and Instagram, he spilled the beans on an unexpected talent he’d been hiding from everyone. Admitting he never thought he would do something like this, he proceeded to dive right into this unexpected venture.

What exactly was this secret talent of his? More importantly, what did fans of Clarkson’s Farm think about it? Keep reading for the details.

Clarkson’s Farm Kaleb Cooper Shocks With Secret Talent

Amazon Prime’s Clarkson’s Farm star Kaleb Cooper revealed he could not only sing but he could rap via Instagram yesterday. Surprising even himself, he proceeded to explain that he just released a charity single.

Titled “I Can’t Stand Sheep” the song was released as a charity single to raise money for the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI). Repeating the lyrics “Did I mention / I can’t stand sheep” several times, the single also detailed how much he enjoyed living life as a farmer boy.


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Fans React To The Exciting News

Thanks to the success of the Amazon Prime documentary, Kaleb Cooper has amassed an Instagram following of 2.1M people. Roughly 40K of his followers watched his video about his charity single in the 24 hours since he posted it. Just shy of 350 people also left comments reacting to the news. Here’s some of what his followers had to say:

  • “What can’t he do”
  • “Clarksons corrupted you, I miss the simple farm boy who was afraid of heights”
  • “You love sheep secretly”
  • “When you getting your spin off show?”
  • “But i like sheep-my sheep, not next doors sheep, as they are twats”
  • “Likeable guy. Hopefully the fame won’t go to his head. The song? Could be fun if put to a different tune, but it’s for a good cause. “

His followers who were also farms agreed they also have a very love and hate relationship with sheep. Many questioned if there was anything Kaleb wasn’t good at. Several even admitted they would love to see someone offer Kaleb Cooper a spin-off series. A few added they hoped the fame and spotlight Kaleb stood in thanks to the documentary would not change him as he was a very “likable” guy.

Overall, his followers had nothing bad to say about his charity single. Furthermore, they loved that he released the song to raise money for charity. Most agreed they were in awe of Kaleb’s ability to give people even more reasons to adore him. Plus, they enjoyed the cheeky lyrics.

Did you have any idea Kaleb Cooper could sing? More importantly, did you think you would ever hear him rap? Furthermore, what do you think of his song and the reason he released it? Share your answers in the comments. And, keep coming back for more updates on your favorite TV shows.

Allie Johnson

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