‘Welcome To Plathville’ Fans Suggest New Career For Moriah Plath

Moriah Plath, Welcome To Plathville

Although Welcome To Plathville star, Moriah Plath, has been focused on her music career for most of her life, some fans have new suggestions for her. Notably, Moriah is eager to share her music with fans. Recently, Moriah teased the release of new music in addition to the song she released just a few weeks ago.

Moriah Plath Advertises More Music

With Moriah Plath’s newest post showing her recording, many fans were excited about the new development. On Instagram and Facebook, she posted, “Dear me, sincerely you @five5studios @cliffbrownphoto.” Some fans were very excited:

  • “Please more music. šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼ the world needs more of your beautiful voice. šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š.”
  • “Love you Moriah.”
  • “So excited I can’t wait!”
  • “Your voice is so beautiful girly ā€¦. šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„.”
  • “I love your song circus. I listen to it often and have told my son to pull it up and listen because I believe heā€™ll like it as well.”


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A post shared by Moriah Plath (@moriah.jasper)

Even so, Welcome To Plathville star, Moriah Plath’s feedback wasn’t all encouraging.

  • “Still can’t carry a tune in a bucket!!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.”
  • “If you were good enough a record company would have signed you after all the exposure from the show. Look toward something else you love and per-sue that. Best of luck.”
  • “The lass can not sing.”

Fans Shoot Straight With Moriah Plath

On Reddit, a user follows suit and brings up a career shift. While talking about Moriah Plath’s music career, they say, “WHO IS TELLINGā€¦.” Then add, “Who is telling Moriah to continue singing???? Can we please encourage the woman to literally do anything else, maybe work on her GED, learn a trade or somethingā€¦” Several fans added their thoughts about her education in response:

  • “She went to bartending school but never said she finished and hasnā€™t been working as a bartender that Iā€™ve seen-she wouldā€™ve posted like she did after she took the course. But my god they all need to go get their da*n ged. You canā€™t even move up at McDonaldā€™s without one.”
  • “It would take a TON of academic work to catch up to even ged level. They didnt even know what July 4th was for!”
  • Another related to the difficulty of their pursuit of a GED and added, “I think the Plath kids will/would have a very long road ahead of them if they want to further their academics. Itā€™s really a shame an adult would choose that for their children.”
  • Another person jokes, “They don’t need that head learnin’! šŸ¤£.”
Welcome to Plathville - Kim, Barry, Micah and Moriah Plath - YouTube
Welcome to Plathville – Kim, Barry, Micah, and Moriah Plath – YouTube

Fans Brainstorm Career Paths For Moriah Plath

Additionally, other Welcome To Plathville fans jump in to give their thoughts about Moriah Plath’s career choice. Several discussed the idea of her bartending:

  • One person said it was odd she went to bartending school since she was underage. Another says, “To be fair I know several girls around my age who arenā€™t 21 that bartend. They make like $700 a night.”
  • Others criticized Kim and Barry Plath’s choices, “But see, doing those things is hard. Mom & Dad always told her that it was bad for girls to get any kind of education beyond housekeeping & child-having, and since she doesn’t want to do those things either, singing is it.”
  • “Theyā€™re probably making a f*ck ton of money off doing the show though, but not sure if itā€™ll last forever. Depends on how much theyā€™re making and what they do with it.” Another person adds, “Enough for Ethan to buy every old car and for Moriah to buy a Mustang.”

Critics Hit Hard

Other Welcome To Plathville fans criticize Moriah Plath’s voice on Reddit as well.

  • “I think sheā€™s using that show money to pay for studio time and producers donā€™t care whether sheā€™s good enough or not – theyā€™re being paid either way. If Moriah hadnā€™t been on this show and had tried to launch her musical career, I guarantee not a single one of us would have heard even one of her songs. I think she should look into writing for other artists.”
  • “When her circus song came out on Apple Music, I had to listen to it. It was around midnight when I saw some posts about her new song, I put it on, cackled, shut it off. Didn’t think much about it. My husband and I get in the truck to go to the gym the next morning. My phone auto connects to the bluetooth in the truck, and we get CiRcUS blasted. My husband was so disgusted. ‘WHAT IS THIS? GODDA*N. Are you listening to this at the gym!?'” And she chuckles telling about him not being able to shut it off.

byu/gravityvfr inPlathvilleUncensored

What do you think about Moriah Plath’s career choice? Do you think she should continue with music or focus on something else? Do you think she could get her GED with the education Kim and Barry Plath provided? Are you hoping for a new season of Welcome To Plathville? Drop your comments below. We love knowing what fans think!

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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