‘Welcome To Plathville’ Olivia Plath Soft-Launches New Boyfriend?

Olivia Plath Instagram

Olivia Meggs Plath split from Ethan Plath, her husband of four years, and now TLC fans think the Welcome to Plathville star soft-launched a new boyfriend. The very strong hint arrived on social media where fans discussed the possibilities.

Olivia Plath Married Young

When the separation announcement arrived, TLC fans were not surprised. After all, a good deal of the show revealed a lot of problems between Ethan and his wife. She felt that they married too young to know what the commitment entailed. Additionally, he grew to be annoyed with her and he hit her a low blow when he said that he wanted kids, but not with her.

Olivia Plath - Instagram

Olivia Plath – Instagram Welcome to Plathville fans saw that her brother-in-law, Micah accused her of cheating on her husband, but her sister Lydia Meggs rushed to defend her. Even if neither of them cheated, it seems unlikely that Olivia Plath would last with Ethan. It seems that the toxic relationship was always doomed. So, if she has found someone new, she will probably get support from Team Olivia fans.

Welcome To Plathville Fans Discuss A Soft-Launch

On Friday, the TLC star posted an Instagram story and someone shared it on Reddit. The OP captioned it with:

Olivia is officially dating! Does this count as a soft launch?

In the story, the Welcome to Plathville star had written:

On 2023 I told my bestie Danielle that I just wanted to go on a date with someone who saw me for what I am – a coffee addicted bibliophile. I wanted a date where we get a coffee and then bought some books from a local book store instead of dinner.

In her photo, Olivia Plath revealed two books: The Color Of Law, and The Secret History of Women at the CIA. Perhaps she liked the CIA book and her boyfriend liked the law book. Of course, it could have even been a date with another woman.


Welcome to Plathville - Olivia Plath Soft Launch - Instagram
Welcome to Plathville – Olivia Plath Soft Launch – Instagram

In the Reddit comments, fans liked that Olivia Plath might be dating someone who meets her on an intellectual level.

  • Very happy for her. Hopefully she finds someone who isn’t a stunted boob with a toxic family.
  • I’m happy for her! She needs a man who can stimulate her intellectually.
  • Doubt anything official to launch. Just her enjoying the dating life!
  • Does this mean she’s officially dating? Maybe she just went on a coffee & bookstore date with a friend.
  • πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• I wish all the love and maturity she never had in Ethan.

What are your thoughts? Do you think that Olivia Plath just soft-launched the fact that she’s dating a new boyfriend? Can you tell if she might be dating a man or a woman, judging by the two titles? Or, is she just out with a friend? Sound off in the comment below and come back here for all your Welcome to PlathvilleΒ news.

James Michael

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