Kelly Ripa Schools Taylor Swift Fans On Who She Is

Kelly Ripa and Taylor Swift Feature - YouTube

On a recent episode of Live With Kelly and Mark, Kelly Ripa seized an opportunity to school Taylor Swift fans on who she was.

Turns out, a video that went viral on social media linked her to Taylor Swift fans in a bit of an odd manner. While the talk show host was able to laugh it off, she had to educate fans of the singing sensation on who she was.

What exactly did Taylor Swift fans do that caused Mark Consuelos’ wife to get a bit sassy with them? Keep reading for the details or scroll down to watch the clip.

Kelly Ripa Gets Humbled

According to Kelly Ripa, Taylor Swift fans were in a bit of a frenzy because of a viral video. The video featured a girl sharing how her sister bought her pajamas from Amazon. The pajamas were supposed to be themed after Taylor Swift’s Eras tour. Unfortunately, the manufacturer of the pajamas must’ve got some information crossed as the face on the pajamas was NOT Taylor Swift.

The girl in the video held the pajamas up and pointed out the “random lady” who was on them instead. Upon closer inspection, Kelly Ripa knew exactly who the “random lady” on the pajamas was. It was her. 

Kelly Ripa
[Source: YouTube]

Schools Taylor Swift Fans On Who She Is

Kelly Ripa proceeded to school Taylor Swift fans on that not being a “random lady” on the pajamas. She proceeded to admit she knew exactly where the photo came from.

This is from a photo shoot I did when I was on a sitcom called Hope and Faith, from before you were born, kiddo! I was on the American Airlines’ in-flight magazine cover. That’s right — they used to have magazines on American Airlines back when you were just a twinkle in your Papi’s eye! I’m not just some random lady! I’m this random lady.”

The talk show host admitted it was such an old photo of her that most people just wouldn’t have recognized her.

Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos - YouTube, LiveKellyandMark
Kelly and Mark Consuelos [Source: YouTube]

Did Anyone Recognize Kelly Ripa?

Mark Consuelos sat next to his wife with a huge smile on his face as he was soaking up the moment. Wanting to get in on the laugh, he directed a question at the producer. He asked if anyone happened to recognize Kelly Ripa in the comments of the original video.

Producer Michael Gelman confirmed comments speculating it might be Kelly Ripa.

Mark also asked his wife if the individual returned the pajamas for a refund. Kelly Ripa jokingly replied that she hoped so. Check out the segment on Live below:

@livekellyandmarkLive with The Random Lady and Mark 😂♬ original sound – Kelly and Mark

Do you think this viral video humbled Kelly Ripa at all? Or, do you think she just thought the mix-up was funny? Share your thoughts with us below. Furthermore, keep coming back for more updates on your favorite celebrities and TV shows.

Allie Johnson

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