Gypsy Rose Blanchard Free, Ready For Babies

Gypsy Rose Blanchard-YouTube

Now that Gypsy Rose Blanchard is free from prison, she is ready for babies. The thirty-two-year-old is married and now, she is looking ahead to her future, not behind bars. So, when does she want to start her family? Read on for more details.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Free, Ready For Babies

After serving eighty-five percent of her prison sentence for the murder of her mother, Gypsy Rose Blanchard was released from prison. Her release came in the early hours of December 28th, 2023. That was when her husband, Ryan Scott Anderson, picked her up. She was sentenced to ten years after she recruited her boyfriend, Nick Godejohn, to kill Dee Dee Blanchard. The reason for this was Dee Dee suffered from Munchausen by proxy. This is when a parent makes their child ill or claims they have various ailments. In reality, they are perfectly healthy.

Dee Dee, Gypsy Rose Blanchard- YouTube
Dee Dee, Gypsy Rose Blanchard- YouTube

For Gypsy, she was told she was four years younger than she actually was and was forced to use a wheelchair. Additionally, she was administered medications that were completely unnecessary. When she felt she could no longer take it, Nick stabbed Dee Dee for Gypsy. He was sentenced to life behind bars. While in prison, Gypsy met Ryan in 2020, according to People. He had decided to write to her and she admits he was her strength during the pandemic.

@duckyinkentucky Gypsy Rose Blanchard released from prison today, 12/28/2023 #gypsyrose #gypsyroseblanchard #munchausenbyproxy ♬ Safe and sound Taylor Swift – Chelsea (Taylor’s Version)

“Ryan has seen me through some really good times, some really hard times. I would say that he is probably the most compassionate soul that I’ve ever met, and the most patient. God knows, he’s so patient with me.”

They ended up getting married in 2022, against Gypsy’s father’s wishes. Now, she is ready to start a family though she does have trepidations after her upbringing.

“We’re in love. It’s hard because I’m going into a new life and I’m newly married, and I’m going to have kids one day, and I’m going to have to explain to my kids why their grandmother on mommy’s side isn’t around. And that’s going to be a really hard conversation.”

The ultimate question Gypsy Rose Blanchard gets is will she put her kids through what her mother did to her?

Repeating The Cycle

In interviews, Dee Dee Blanchard’s family said that her mother doted on her because she was a sick child. In fact, she treated her like glass, and that rubbed off onto Dee Dee’s parenting. She then treated Gypsy Rose Blanchard like porcelain and the cycle repeated itself but far worse. So, what does Gypsy have to say when asked if she will do the same to her children? She believes she has learned how to not do that and has no worries in that respect. Hopefully, she will be the one to break that pattern for good.

Do you think that Gypsy is ready to be a mother anytime soon or should wait to reacclimate to society? More so, should she get to know Ryan in person before making any huge decisions? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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