Is Theresa Nist With Gerry Turner This Christmas?

Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist/Credit: ABC YouTube

Theresa Nist won her man on Gerry Turner’s Golden Bachelor, and she told her ABC fans that he’s the best Christmas present ever. But, are they spending the festive season together? Both of them have families of their own, so how will they accommodate that? Read on to find out what is happening with them.

Theresa Nist And Gerry Turner Soon Marry

The wedding news came out soon after Golden Bachelor fans heard that he selected her over Leslie Fhima. Fans can’t wait for the wedding because it will be televised when they tie the knot on January 4. As some followers noted, it makes sense to marry quickly, because who knows how many years people in their 70s might have together. Meanwhile, others think they are destined to be together.

Some people think that Theresa Nist should run from Gerry Turner because of some bad things that a former girlfriend said. However, the Golden Bachelor couple survived the scandal, and Gerry’s not looking back at the past, but into a new future. In fact, her daughter said that the family discussed it and her mom is okay with what went down. So, if they are apart this Christmas, it’s not about that.

Golden Bachelor Couple Together This Christmas?

The status of the two lovebirds this festive season arrived on Theresa’s Instagram this weekend. Using old photos of herself showing off her rings, she spoke about how they will not be together.

a Very Merry (Gerry) Christmas from us to you! I hope you’re getting to spend time with your loved ones this holiday season. Gerry and I are celebrating with our own families but will be back together in just a few more days. 🎁🎅🏻🎄

Golden Bachelor - Theresa Nist Instagram
Golden Bachelor – Theresa Nist Instagram

Fans of Theresa Nist spoke about how at least they won’t need to be apart again after the wedding in January. And, other nice comments went in.

  • Last holiday alone…this year you got the best gift of all…you got each other!
  • You’re such a class act, Theresa! Merry Christmas to all of you!
  • Theresa, you look beautiful!! I’m so happy for the both of you.
  • While it may seem odd they are apart on their 1st Christmas I know how hard it is to blend families and change traditions. We’ve been together 7 years and still trying to figure it out!
  • why are you celebrating separately- awww I wouldn’t want that with my fiancé for the first holiday together.

What are your thoughts about Theresa Nist and Gerry Turner not being together for Christmas this year? Are you hoping that this will be the last time that they spend the festive season apart from each other? Let us know in the comments below and come back for all your Golden Bachelor news.

James Michael

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