Courtney Waldrop Shares Special Wish For Angel From Heaven

Courtney Waldrop - YouTube

Courtney Waldrop formerly on TLC’s Sweet Home Sextuplets has a special angel in her life and she spoke about her wish. Actually, she has a total of nine angels in her life as far as fans are concerned. What’s up in her life at the moment that got her writing some sweet sentiments on social media? Read on to find out.

Courtney Waldrop Has Sick Kids

The TLC star could probably use an angel to help her out right now. That’s because all of the sextuplets fell ill with the flu. As it happened just ahead of Christmas, she worries that she and Eric might also go down with it. With nine kids in the house, likely, Saylor and the twins might also fall ill. No wonder she asked her TLC fans for prayers.

Courtney Waldrop explained that the little kids fell sick after their birthday party. In quick succession, she hosted a party for the twins and others. Most of the family celebrate birthdays in December. Only the mom of nine kids celebrates her birthday in a different month. She was born in March. TLC fans can only imagine how busy the festive season month must be for her.

Sweet Home Sextuplets Mom Has An Angel

Eric had his birthday and his wife sent him a special message. In her message, the TLC star called her husband her “rock every second of the day!!” But is he the angel that she talked about on December 23? He was not. Instead, it is Saylor who got the love this weekend. Saylor is the oldest of the nine kids and he’s all grown up now. After sharing some throwback and recent photos on Instagram, his mom called him an angel.

Sweet Home Sextuplets Alum Saylor Waldrop - Courtney Waldrop Instagram
Sweet Home Sextuplets Alum Saylor Waldrop – Courtney Waldrop Instagram

Courtney Waldrop gushed over her 15-year-old son:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our first angel sent from Heaven. The one that made me a Mommy, the one who first melted our hearts and the one who amazes us every day.❤️ Saylor, always know how loved and special you are!! The Lord picked you to be the big brother to your 8 little brothers and sisters and I’m so thankful everyday they have you to look up to. I’ve loved watching you become the young man you are. The Lord has big plans for you sweet boy!! And I thank God He gave you to us FIFTEEN years ago!!

The Sweet Home Sextuplets mom also talked about how she and Eric took their baby home “on Christmas Day.” Putting him in a stocking made them feel like Saylor was “the most precious Christmas gift.” 

More followed, and that included the fact that soon, Saylor will get his “driving permit.” Naturally, as he is still her baby boy in her eyes, she wishes that the age limit could be increased.

Can you believe that Saylor is already 15 years old? Do you remember him from the TLC show? Did you love the message from Courtney Waldrop for her son? Let us know in the comments below, and come back here for all your Sweet Home Sextuplets news.

James Michael

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