Dramatic ‘Sister Wives: Talk Back’ Recap Part One

Sister Wives-YouTube

The dramatic first part of the Sister Wives: Talk Back special aired Friday, December 22nd on TLC. Unfortunately, many people missed it as they had no idea it was on. More so, it is not currently streaming so that has made things even more frustrating. There were a few highlights from it and here they are.

Dramatic Sister Wives: Talk Back Recap Part One

This Sister Wives special gave the cast a chance to watch the Season 18 premiere, react, and then answer fan questions. Additionally, they were subject to public scrutiny which they could also react to which was fun for viewers. It made up for what happened or rather failed to happen during the tell-all. Many fans felt that Sukanya Krishnan let Kody and Robyn Brown off far too easily. Christine Brown noted she could not watch the episode without wine which makes a lot of sense. As Kody and Robyn sat and watched the episode, she looked miserable like she was being tortured and fans noticed.

Now, of course, it had to be addressed that Christine laughed at Kody’s apparent suffering when he had Covid. It was more of Gwendlyn’s description of him that had her chuckling. While he and Robyn were watching, he needed validation that he was actually in pain. She let him know that he was bad off but took the time to care for the kids while she was on her “deathbed.” This was a trigger for those on Reddit who realized how manipulative Robyn could be.

Janelle Brown-YouTube
Janelle Brown-YouTube

As for Salsa Brava, that was talked about because it has become a running joke. Is there any other place in Flagstaff? One viewer asked about the server who has to constantly watch Kody and his wives come in and hash things out there. That made Janelle laugh quite a bit. There was one valid point that Meri noted and it was how they were not always dysfunctional and longtime viewers can agree. She said for around twenty years, the family was fine. When the show started, they did appear to have a system.

The Christine Files

One Sister Wives clip that will never get old is when Meri and Christine are chasing each other and laughing. They may never have that again but it was nice to have that moment of reflection which brings fans to the end. Christine did say she could see herself having a friendship with Kody at some point. Both she and Janelle said they had a great friendship with him for many years.

Kody, Robyn Brown-YouTube
Kody, Robyn Brown-YouTube

This was an odd statement after how awful he was but hopeful. Finally, Kody shared that he could not believe someone he loved was talking such trash about him. That was referring to Christine but this was baffling. Didn’t he say he did not love her? Only Robyn? No wonder Robyn’s face was so sour.

What did you think of part one? Are you looking forward to part two? Do not miss Sister Wives: Talk Back Friday, December 29th at 9 pm EST on TLC.

Amanda Lauren

One Comment

  1. I would like for Kody to address his actions (when on TV for the world and HIS CHILDREN to hear) that he never loved his wives, the hateful/discusting comments that he made about Christine and then try again to blame Christine and Janelle for telling the kids stuff and making it his fault and turning his kids against him. You are the one who let your kids know who/what you are.
    Also to Robyn and Kody, you were freakin not on your death beds with Covid, Janelle had it and was on her own no help or concern from her husband, there was not equipment on you at the hospital Robyn, you were just taking up space really sick people could have used. You insisted on being hospitalized, that why they admitted you because you are on TV neither of you were any sicker than Janelle you just want TV time cause there were not oxygen mask, no nasal cannula just a paper mask that we all wore. His video in parking lot he looked just fine

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