Kelly Ripa Misses Important Event As She Faces Her ‘Deathbed’

Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Live, YouTube

Recently, Live With Kelly And Mark show host, Kelly Ripa, had a bout with illness. Earlier in the month, she was out multiple days and now she is discussing additional health issues that landed her on her so-called “deathbed.”

Kelly Ripa Says She Took To Her Deathbed

On the Monday Live show, Kelly Ripa segwayed into an all too familiar topic for her over the past few weeks. During the introductions, Mark opened by discussing the weather. But Kelly immediately bombards, bluntly saying, “It was allegedly a beautiful weekend.” Then pretending to be disgusted, she continued, “I wouldn’t know because, for the second time this month, I took to my deathbed.” And Mark Consuelos and the producers chuckled at the apparent exaggeration.

Kelly Ripa Talks About Missing An Important Event

While sitting before the audience of Live With Kelly And Mark, obviously surviving, Kelly Ripa relived a moment from over the weekend that was very difficult for her. Sadly, she revisited the high fever, hallucinations, and throwing up that plagued the mother of three. Additionally, she gave justification for her extreme “deathbed” description by explaining, “You want to know how sick I was? I was so sick that I missed the Madonna concert on Saturday.” Then the producer gasps and says, “Oh my gosh!” To which Kelly responds agreeingly, “That is the only reaction.” However, Mark smirked and shared that he did attend the show.

Mark Consuelos Goes Without Kelly

In response, Kelly Ripa expressed she didn’t see this coming, “Mark goes to Madonna concert without Kelly was not on my bingo card!” Although she was pitifully sad and sick, she begged Mark to take photos and videos and send them to her. However, Mark ran into an obstacle and sent just one photo. Additionally, Kelly was flabbergasted by the single photo not even being good. Specifically, he sent her a view of the speaker right in front of him. Luckily, her friend, also in attendance, saved the day and sent more pictures, videos, and play-by-plays to get her through.

Live With Kelly And Mark, Mark's Picture Of Madonna's Speaker
Live With Kelly And Mark, Mark’s Picture Of Madonna’s Speaker

However, Kelly Ripa was not just sad because she missed the event, she also missed being there will all her friends who attended. Following, she depicted the amazing show, and she encouraged everyone to go get tickets. Kelly described it all as unbelievable and then choked up a bit when she added, “And I wasn’t there.” Emphasizing, “I just want you to think about that.” Following, Kelly showed her disappointment as she laughed a bit even though she teared up and said, “I don’t know why I’m getting choked up, but I am.”

What do you think about Kelly Ripa saying she took to her deathbed again? Do you think Mark Consuelos felt bad at all that Kelly had to miss the Madonna concert? Finally, how are you liking the husband and wife duo on Live With Kelly And Mark? Drop your comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

One Comment

  1. Mark is put down in public by the wife from hell every day. The question is how long will put up with it ? It used to be a good show. Now I get upset watching it. It’s just I hard for me to enjoy.

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