‘Golden Bachelor’ Fans Question Reason For Wedding Date

Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist via YouTube

While the news of a live first-ever Golden Bachelor Wedding was a huge surprise for Bachelor Nation, the date seems to be an even bigger shock. Without a doubt, the fast turnaround from the finale to the Golden Wedding on January 4 is astonishing. But additionally, fans are questioning the reason they chose the date.

Why Did The Golden Bachelor Couple Choose Their Wedding Date?

On Reddit, fans brought up the date chosen by Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist. In the post, the user captions: “Are they getting married on January 4th because it’s a Thursday?” Then they elaborate, “What day of the week is best for a wedding? Hands down, Saturday is the most popular day of the week for weddings. Many people have off from work, and it gives out-of-town guests Friday evening and Saturday morning to travel. The Golden Bachelor was always on Thursdays. Is there a reason ABC would not air the wedding on the weekend? Do they have another show that always has that time slot?”

Reddit Users Discuss The Day

After the initial post, other Reddit users added their thoughts to the thread about why they think The Golden Bachelor couple picked January 4 which falls on a Thursday. Some speculate that it was to keep the Thursday air date while others think it is to avoid the football season busyness. Even so, others recognize now that the writers’ strike is over many timeslots will be full.

  • One commenter offered, “I think they have college football on for that time. I’m not sure of the whole schedule. Are these shows always on a Thursday? I haven’t watched the other bachelor shows.”
  • Another clarifies, “The Golden Bachelor aired on Thursday nights. Regular Bachelor/Bachelorette airs on Monday night.”
  • “Agree with other comment, it’s college bowl season and I’m sure there is already a game scheduled. They are airing it live, so Thursday was probably the only option open before the new season of shows begin (since the strikes are over). I’m not sure what ABC used to show on Thursday nights, I’m a CBS watcher – Young Sheldon, Ghosts, So Help me Todd.”
  • Responding to the idea of weekends being better for people, someone says, “BN doesn’t work typical jobs. They can all make it. Saturday is a good day for a wedding but not watching TV. It’s the kiss of death for shows that get moved to Saturday so that and given the bachelor is on Thursday…. It makes sense. Trista’s wedding was on a Monday I believe. (The Bachelor was on Mondays).”
  • Others pointed out that Saturday is 1/6 and the aversion to the date. Some related the date to the Irish’s “wish and struggle to unite Ireland” and others correlated the date to the “Insurrection Day” riots at the US Capitol.

Other Fans Wonder About The Date

Some fans wondered why The Golden Bachelor couple chose 1-4-24. Then several offered thoughts on the date selected. Albeit, the quick decision to plan and host a wedding in such a short time may have played into the options available.

  • “Better than 1/06! Just saying 😂.”
  • “I thought the date itself being 1-4-24 had a nice ring to it, better than 1-6-24 for a Saturday for example. And it makes it very easy to remember. I picked the day we got married based on the date and not the day of the week so maybe that nice harmony of 1 4 2 4 factored in?”
  • Another just thought The Golden Bachelor couple ran into a timing issue, “I’m sure the venue was totally booked ahead by other people getting married.”

Are they getting married on January 4th because it’s a Thursday?
byu/zeroxrealm inTheGoldenBachelor_

Why do you think The Golden Bachelor couple chose January 4 for the wedding? Do you plan to watch the live event? What do you think about Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist heading to the alter so quickly? Drop your thoughts in the comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

One Comment

  1. The reason is they don’t have to invite many people because most of them have to work. And there was no real good TV on Thursday 😭

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