Kim Kardashian Tries To Sell Used Bag For $30k

Kim Kardashian | Youtube

Kim Kardashian never seems afraid to flaunt her wealth and this time is no different. Keep reading to learn more about the $30k bag she is selling on her Instagram story.

Kim Kardashian sells her expensive bag

Once again, Kim Kardashian has taken to her social media to share another bag she is selling on her family re-sell site, Kardashian Kloset. The family uses this website to share clothing and accessories that they no longer use or want. While this seems like it could be a cost-effective way to get designer items, the sisters still keep the prices quite high on many of the items.

Kim Kardashian, The Kardashians, YouTube

According to The Sun, this time, Kim shared a bag she is selling to her Instagram story. Apparently, she is selling a black, vintage Hermes bag. However, don’t let the used label fool you. The bag is still going for $29,995. Whoever buys it will have to tack on an additional $14.95 for shipping though.

Despite the high price, the website says that the bag appears to have some wear. It is listed as black, however, the then notes that the bag looks dark brown. The listing also says that there is sun fading, a spot on the front, and scratches on the metal. Despite that, the bag will still cost the average person 30k.

In the past, Kim has posted other Kardashian Kloset finds. Last time she pushed a vintage Gucci tank.

Not her only bag drama

Unfortunately for the mom of four, this isn’t the only bag drama she’s been involved in as of late.

Recently, she was spotted carrying a Balenciaga bag that looked identical to a grocery bag. However, that’s not the only catch. The bag replicated an Erewhon bag and was part of the Erewhon x Balenciaga collaboration. Erewhon is a high-priced grocery store known for selling things like $20 smoothies.

Kim carried the bag all around the Balenciaga 2024 pre-fall show. She even had a bouquet of flowers sticking out the top, making it look like she was just on a casual trip to the extremely expensive grocery store.

Fans were not into this look at all and took to the internet to discuss it.

“So out of touch,” one person writes.

“Kim is so tacky,” another says.

It seems if Kim is hoping to keep some of her fans, she should probably stop carrying and selling extremely expensive purses. Only time will tell if she’s caught onto this or if she will continue to flaunt her wealth.

Do you think Kim Kardashian flaunts her wealth or is wasteful? Let us know what you think about the reality TV stars in the comments below. Come back to TV Shows Ace for more news on all of your favorite Kardashian family members.

Haley Cook

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