Uproar Over Kim Kardashian’s Botched Face & ‘Greasy A** Look’

Kim Kardashian, KUWTK, YouTube

While it isn’t uncommon for The Kardashians stars to get comments on their appearance, there are times that a subject comes to light that gets fans buzzing. For instance, pictures of Kim Kardashian attending an afterparty have resurfaced and caused fans to be in an uproar. Within the photos, fans see how botched Kim’s face is and even say she appears very greasy.

Kim Kardashian’s Natural Look

Although The Kardashians star, Kim Kardashian has long returned from the Victoria Beckham Fashion Show in Paris in September, photos have regained traction online from the event. Particularly, fans have posted screenshots of her casual look from the afterparty. At the time, Kim sported a tight black shirt with black ultra-wide-legged pants. Over the top, she pulled on an oversized leather biker jacket that was black, white, and orange. Additionally, she was wearing neutral-toned make-up and hair styled to seem wet. Seemingly, she was going for a natural look. However, while many celebrities are being praised for their makeup-less photos, fans exploded with comments about her choice for the highly-rated occasion.

What Fans Are Saying About Kim Kardashian’s Look

Multiple threads on Reddit show that fans have been bursting to discuss Kim Kardashian’s chosen look for Victoria Beckham’s afterparty.

  • Her style sucks so hard lol.”
  • “My god she is looking even more used up than usual.” And another person strongly agreed, “Right??? She looks so haggard here!”
  • “The lip flip was a bad idea.”
  • “Shes very botched and looks like Farrah Abraham’s.”
  • One person pinpointed the theme they thought Kim Kardashian was going for, “A greasy a** mess.” With another also in agreement, “It looks so greasy gross.”
  • “I don’t understand why they put there bodies through these ‘trends’.”
  • “Looks like a drowned rat ….. at least the hair takes the attention off the outfit I guess.”
  • “She is either always over or under dressed at any given event. She just cannot fulfil the brief and always sticks out like a sore thumb.”

Kim at the Victoria Beckham Fashion Show after party (and other guests) – TYGA wore it better! 💀
byu/lucybubs inKUWTKsnark

More Comments From Critics

Several other threads were circulating when the photo originally came out. Fans had many comments to add about the look. Additionally, there was a big focus on Kim Kardashian’s nose and the alterations she has made to her face:

  • Some compared The Kardashians star, to Cher, “Kind of looks like Cher.” While another person immediately agrees, “I thought this was Cher.”
  • Another focused on her nose, “I’d be seeking a refund for that hideous nose job.” And someone quickly added a suggested correction to their comment, “Nose jobS*.”
  • “Ever since someone said they can no longer breathe out of their nostrils I can’t unsee it.”

What do you think about the photos that resurfaced of Kim Kardashian from Victoria Beckham’s Paris fashion show? Do you think her lip looks botched?  Are you someone who picks up on all the body alterations The Kardashians stars have done? Send us your opinions in the comments section below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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