Kris Jenner’s Real Reason For Being Upset At Kourtney?

Kris Jenner and Kourtney Kardashian - YouTube - Feature

What is the real reason Kris Jenner is upset with her eldest daughter, Kourtney Kardashian? The two are usually on good terms but something has set Kris off. What exactly is it and can it be mended? Read on for more details on the situation.

Kris Jenner’s Real Reason For Being Upset At Kourtney?

Fans were not happy with Kris Jenner after Kourtney Kardashian was hospitalized toward the end of her pregnancy. It was a big enough of an emergency that Kourtney’s husband, Travis Barker had to rush home from his tour. Yet, Kris was soon seen partying at a Beyonce concert with some of Kourt’s siblings. However, Kourt did thank her mother for being there for her as well as Travis. She has since welcomed a healthy baby boy named Rocky Thirteen. Season 4 of The Kardashians ended with the couple doing their gender reveal and that was that. So, why is Kris upset with her eldest child?

Kris Jenner-YouTube

According to a Reddit thread, the OP seems to have figured it all out. They wrote this in theory of why Kris was actually mad at Kourtney:

“Kris’s reaction to Kourt’s public pregnancy announcement. Let’s all be real, Kris isn’t upset Kourtney didn’t invite her to the concert cuz she wanted to see it happen.. she’s upset cuz she can’t profit off of it. She couldn’t control the narrative…”

In the episode, Kris was talking about how she was upset because she learned that Kourt and Travis chose to announce it publicly but did not tell her. Rather, she found out on the news as the rest of the world did. Kourtney’s sister, Khloe Kardashian joked that Kourtney forgot she had a family.

Kourtney Kardashian - Instagram
Kourtney Kardashian – Instagram

For reference, she attended a Blink-182 show and held up a sign sharing the news. So, did other Redditors agree with the idea that Kris would have rather been able to profit off of the news?

  • Yeah that’s why Kourtney didn’t tell her and she has every right not to. It’s her baby and her announcement.
  • 100% true, she probably wanted to wait and put it in the show as a main storyline but instead we got the Tristan apology tour.
  • I was so confused why her announcing her pregnancy publicly was made a big deal by Kris and Khloe? They already knew that she was pregnant.

Already Profiting

Some Redditors made a very valid point. Kris Jenner was profiting in some way as the reveal from the concert was filmed for The Kardashians. Therefore, it would be believed something monetary came from it all. Or, maybe Kris really just wanted to know when it was going to go public so she could help field questions.

Why do you believe Kris Jenner was really upset with Kourtney? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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