Tyler Cameron Compared ‘Special Forces’ & ‘Bachelorette’

Tyler Cameron via YouTube 15

Tyler Cameron just successfully completed Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test and now he’s comparing his time there to his time on The Bachelorette. He even went so far as to say both of these experiences are ‘psychological warfare’ and he reveals which one he would rather do again if given the choice. Keep reading to find out more. Warning! Spoilers ahead for the Special Forces season finale.

Tyler Cameron compares Special Forces and The Bachelorette

US Weekly shared what Tyler Cameron had to say about both Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test and The Bachelorette. The season finale aired on Monday night and revealed that Tyler along with Nick Viall and Olympic speed skater Erin Jackson all successfully completed their challenges.

Many would assume that overall The Bachelorette would be nothing like Special Forces. However, Tyler referred to them both as “psychological warfare.”

He said, “Both [shows are] psychological warfare. But I would definitely say Special Forces is tougher. I get to go to nice exotic places on The Bachelor and do all that stuff. I go to exotic miserable places with Special Forces.”

Tyler did get his heart broken when Hannah Brown didn’t choose him on her finale of The Bachelorette. Remember too, Hannah also completed her course successfully in Season One.

Tyler Cameron/Credit: Fox YouTube
Tyler Cameron/Credit: Fox YouTube

For the big finale, Tyler, along with JoJo Siwa, Tom Sandoval, Nick Viall, and  Erin Jackson— were “captured” and forced to run through the night before enduring a resistant interrogation process meant to push them to their mental limits. After an extremely hard eight days, Tyler learned he had passed the course.

He said, “I was on the edge the whole time. I was like, I don’t know how I can keep going further. I feel like they’re going to kill me in this sense. I’m beyond freezing. I feel like I’m experiencing hypothermia. I’ve never had it before, [but] I was jackhammering, shivering.”

It was hard but he did it.

His brother who is in the United States Army is very impressed

Tyler Cameron shared that his brother Austin Cameron is an infantry officer in the U.S. Army. He complimented his brother and said Tyler may even be better than him. Tyler said that is absolutely not true. He never had to worry about facing a bullet as his brother does while serving in the military.

Tyler went on to say that he told his brother, “Austin, you got to understand, this is me knowing that there’s actually no gun at the end of this that’s going to be shooting me one day. Your mind and your mentality and bravery are so much more advanced than mine. I would never put myself in those positions, but you’re willing to and make that sacrifice.”

Bachelorette Alum Tyler Cameron On Special Forces - Fox
Bachelorette Alum Tyler Cameron On Special Forces – Fox

He even went so far as to say his time on Special Forces was more like a video game where Austin faced the same things in real life.

Were you surprised three of them successfully made it through the course? Did you know his brother is in the Army?

Stay tuned for more updates on all your Bachelor Nation favorites.

Jamie Colclasure

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