Kourtney Kardashian Lonely After Pushing Mom & Sisters Away

Kourtney Kardashian - Instagram

Thanksgiving 2023 looked a bit different for Kourtney Kardashian. She was not with her mother Kris Jenner and her sisters as she would normally be. And, it left her feeling pretty lonely. Fans of The Kardashians personality, however, argue she only has herself to blame for her feelings of loneliness this year. After all, it was her decision to push her mother and sisters away.

Why exactly did Kourtney Kardashian push her family away for Thanksgiving? Keep reading for the details.

Kourtney Kardashian Lonely After Pushing Mom & Sisters Away

Unfortunately, the holiday season also happens to be RSV season. Respiratory Syncytial Virus typically causes mild cold-like symptoms. For most, this isn’t a huge deal as it just feels like having a cold. It, however, can be deadly for newborns. Typically, this is why some people choose not to expose their newborns to a lot of people or large groups of people as it puts them at a greater risk for contracting RSV. Alternatively, some will not allow people to kiss and hug their newborn to prevent the spread of this virus.

In an effort to protect her newborn son Rocky, Kourtney Kardashian decided to opt out of Thanksgiving with the family this year. Not attending her large family get-together, however, left her feeling lonely. In fact, Kourtney felt so lonely that she took to her Instagram account dedicated to her brand Poosh and cryptically posted of being lonely.

Kourtney Kardashian - Instagram - Selfie
Kourtney Kardashian – Instagram – Selfie

Furthermore, Kourtney Kardashian also linked to a blog on her website titled, “Yes, It’s OK to Set Family Boundaries DURING THE HOLIDAYS.”

The blog post discussed the power of saying “no” to traveling and spending time with family during the holidays.

Let me first say, you are not required to travel to your family home for the holidays. You have permission to say no. Your job in this world is not to take care of the emotional health of others at the expense of yourself. This one can be deeply confronting and may require another separate article, but for now, just know, it’s OK to skip out.”

The blog continued: “Remember, you’re not asking permission—you’re letting everyone know what it is you’ll be doing.”

Kourtney Kardashian - YouTube, Keeping Up With The Kardashians
Kourtney Kardashian – YouTube, Keeping Up With The Kardashians

Fans Had Mixed Feelings

Admittedly, many fans loved that she was putting her newborn son before her family (and herself). Fans, however, were not sure she had a right to complain about being lonely because she made the decision to push her entire family away for the holidays.

Kourtney Kardashian - Instagram Stories
Kourtney Kardashian – Instagram Stories

Fortunately, fans assume this is only temporary until her son is a bit older and has a stronger immune system.

Do you think Kourtney Kardashian made the right decision to protect her son? Furthermore, do you think she has a right to feel lonely? Share your thoughts in the comments. And, keep coming back for more reality TV news.

Allie Johnson

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