Kailyn Lowry Says No Christmas Presents For Her Seven Children

Kailyn Lowry - YouTube

As a mother of seven, Kailyn Lowry of MTV’s Teen Mom has no plans for a big or extravagant Christmas with lots of presents. This, however, shouldn’t come as a total surprise as Kailyn explains every year that she doesn’t make a huge deal out of Christmas with her children.

Fans of Teen Mom assume the thought of buying a handful of presents for each of her children is more money than Kailyn wants to spend. Kailyn Lowry, however, has explained over the years that money has nothing to do with her controversial decision.

If money is not the issue, why does Kailyn Lowry not give her children a very big Christmas? Keep reading for an explanation and what she plans to do instead.

Kailyn Lowry/YouTube
Kailyn Lowry/YouTube

Kailyn Lowry Says No Christmas Presents For Her Seven Children

During her Q&A session on Instagram, Kailyn Lowry revealed she told her children they would do Christmas together this year. She, however, still didn’t plan to make it a huge event.

The MTV personality explained she planned to give each of her children a stocking. So, she was asking her 4.5M followers to send her some ideas for meaningful stocking stuffers she could give to her children this year.

Kailyn Lowry - Instagram Stories
Kailyn Lowry – Instagram Stories

Why Has She Avoided Christmas?

In the past, Christmas has not been a holiday she celebrated with her children. During her Q&A session, one fan asked why she hadn’t celebrated Christmas in the past. So, she decided to explain.

Kailyn Lowry explained there are tons of reasons why Christmas was not celebrated. The biggest, however, was over custody issues. Her children’s fathers and their fathers’ families enjoyed doing big things for Christmas.

Kailyn explained she did not want to take Christmas away from her children. Furthermore, she didn’t want to fight their fathers to have the day. So, she just opted out of celebrating it.

Kailyn Lowry - Instagram Stories
Kailyn Lowry – Instagram Stories

Kailyn Lowry adds that her children are also incredibly blessed. They get a lot of things throughout the year. So her celebrating Christmas just didn’t seem to matter.

Kailyn Lowry Hopes To Test Waters This Year

The MTV star still won’t do big Christmas gifts for her children. Instead, she wants to make Christmas just a special family-time celebration. She is picturing cookies, movies, and maybe a family dinner. Kailyn decided to add stockings to the mix just to give the kids something to open.

Kailyn Lowry promises to come back and tell her followers if Christmas is a success. She, however, sounded a bit nervous as it is something she just hasn’t celebrated in years.

What do you think made Kailyn change her mind about having a Christmas this year? Could it be that she is still in a relationship with Rio and the twins’ father? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. And, keep coming back for more Teen Mom news and updates.

Allie Johnson

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