Janelle Brown’s Take On Plural Marriage Now

Janelle Brown-YouTube

What is Sister Wives star Janelle Brown’s take on plural marriage now that she and Kody Brown are separated? The two were together for around thirty years but before that, she was in a monogamous marriage. This was new for her but she loved the idea and the family she was gaining. Has everything changed now that it did not work out? Read on for more details.

Janelle Brown’s Take On Plural Marriage Now

When Janelle Brown met Kody Brown and his first wife, Meri Brown, it was all in the family. She was married to Meri’s now late brother, Adam, and felt connected to polygamy. So, after Janelle and Adam divorced, she came in as the second wife in 1993. Christine Brown followed in 1994 with Robyn Brown coming into the family in 2010. By 2021, Christine had left and then Janelle and Meri would soon follow. Viewers are watching the official downfall of Janelle and Kody in Season 18 of Sister Wives.

Kody Brown-YouTube
Kody Brown-YouTube

She feels extremely disconnected from him but unlike Christine, she cannot pull the trigger and just leave. Now that time has gone by since the season was filmed, Janelle is an independent woman. Yet, while she was debating the official end, what were her thoughts on plural marriage? Was she completely done with it or was she hopeful that maybe she could try it once more? E! has a clip from Sunday, October 22nd’s episode of Sister Wives where Janelle addresses her thoughts.

Janelle Brown-YouTube
Janelle Brown-YouTube

Speaking to Christine, Janelle Brown has this to say: “You have to know, I would consider a plural marriage again. I like it. I like plural marriage.” More so, she explained that she liked how independent she was able to be through polygamy. Christine Brown asked if she still subscribed to the faith involved in plural marriage. To that, Janelle responded: “Yeah, I do. So just because this relationship hasn’t worked out—that’s how most marriages are.” Of course, she won’t just join any family. She knew when she met Kody that there was something spiritual so it would have to feel the same.

Christine Says No

Though Janelle Brown is completely open to another plural marriage, Christine Brown knew that it was not for her. She was done with that lifestyle and she has since found love with David Woolley who she married on October 7th with Janelle by her side. Christine did a lot in her initial marriage to Kody such as homemaking and raising the kids. In Season 1, Janelle worked long hours but noted she loved that she could go to a movie and always have someone to watch her six kids. That has clearly changed as fourth wife, Robyn has a nanny.

Do you see Janelle ever finding another plural family? Let us know and watch Sister Wives Sundays on TLC.

Amanda Lauren

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