Reasons Why Gerry Turner Will Give Theresa Nist The Final Rose

gerry turner and thersa nist YOutube and instagram

The Golden Bachelor Gerry Turner has his hands full with the remaining 16 women on his season. He already went from 22 to 16 just on night one. By the end, he will have to decide which of them will be better suited to his life. Many fans already have strong opinions about a few of the women and one of those is Theresa Nist. Here are the reasons Gerry Turner will end up giving his final rose to her.

Here are the reasons Gerry Turner will give his final rose to Theresa Nist

Golden Bachelor Gerry Turner seems smitten with a few of the ladies already. Theresa Nist already proved she can be fun. Her entrance from the limo was hilarious and really made him wonder for a few minutes what was under her coat. She announced it was her birthday and said she thought she should come in her birthday suite. Of course, she had a tan-colored leotard on. They both got a good laugh as she leaned in and hugged him noting she has six grandkids.

Since it was her birthday, Gerry later presented her with a cupcake. After blowing out her candle she and Gerry shared a very sweet kiss. There is obvious chemistry between them. While she didn’t get the first impression rose, she did get a rose at the end of the night.

Theresa Nist via YouTube

Many already think that Theresa could be the last woman standing. Here’s why. Gerry was married to his wife Toni for 43 years before she passed away. Theresa was married to her husband for 42 years. While it has been longer since she lost her husband, they can relate to one another in that way along with many others.

They both have two children. Gerry has two daughters while Theresa has a daughter and a son. Both of them also love spending them with their grandchildren. He has two granddaughters and she has six grandsons.

Theresa Nist and Gerry Turner via Insta

Will she make it to the end of the show?

Nobody knows for sure who will win Gerry’s season and his heart. He and Theresa both want to find love again. He wants someone to live out his golden years with who loves adventure, plays pickleball and treasures family. She seems to fit this bill pretty perfectly.

Both of them seem mellow yet fun.

There is a good chance she may be the one. What do you think?

Stay tuned for more updates and spoilers.

Jamie Colclasure


  1. I hope it’s anyone but Theresa. She’s insensitive to the others and not empathetic. As I see her, she’s the least attractive of the last 16. But I’m not Gerry. I hope he finds a life partner that brings joy.

    1. The very first week I told my husband there was something about Theresa I don’t like. I can not pin point it but there is something off about her. The next breath I told him because I don’t like her means she will be there until the end. That always seems to happen when I don’t like someone on a reality tv show. I have to see their ugly mug the entire show.

  2. I hope he does not pick Teresa. She is all about herself and thinks she is the greatest. He will be sorry in the long run. I hope his daughters can see this. I am not the only one who sees the so do several of my friends🤦‍♀️

  3. Gary can do better she just not right for him I see right through her and not very attractive they look like the odd couple I feel she not true at heart she loves the attention just being on tv.

  4. Teresa just has this big mouth with big teeth. And she looks undernourished. Okay now for what I like about her 🦗🦗🦗🦗

  5. Leslie #1 she would be great attractive alive.
    She and Gary would have a great life!

    Don’t care for that Theresa at all.

  6. Almost anyone but Theresa. She seems very needy, insecure and she’s not attractive. Not to sound shallow but she looks like she’s wearing a bad mask. She’s also very immature and I could see her making his life filled with drama if he takes her home. He’d be better to just say he’s not ready to move forward with anyone yet. Apparently, he was on vacation with an ex-gf when he got the call from Golden Bachelor. Pick her, or bring Joan back (the one who had the decency to leave to be with her daughter who’d just given birth.
    Hey, Jimmy Kimmel’s Aunt Chippy before Theresa!!

  7. Theresa has a mean streak.. I hope he does not pick her but I’m sure he will.. Leslie looks hard….& cold. not liking either one..

  8. I hope it is not Theresa I have not like her from the start just something about her and she pushes to hard. Looks are not on her side either and she dress far to young for her age, but something tells me he will pick her.

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