Kourtney Kardashian Commits Fraud, Lies About Baby Shower

Kourtney Kardashian | Youtube

Kourtney Kardashian is about to have her baby with Travis Barker, which of course, calls for a baby shower. However, it seems that after lying about actually having a shower, the Mayor of Malibu is putting her on blast. Keep reading to get the full story.

Kourtney Kardashian lies about her shower

According to TMZ Kourtney Kardashian told a pretty big lie about having a baby shower in order to actually have an influencer event for her wellness company, Poosh. Apparently, the star asked for an “Emergency Expedited Permit for Large Event in a Vacant Single-Family Home,” under the guise of a baby shower. This baby shower was supposed to be small, hosting only 94 guests.

Kourtney Kardashian - The Kardashians - TODAY, YouTube

However, it was later revealed that there was no baby shower at all. Instead, it was a massive Poosh event with over 600 in attendance. And, the house that it was held in wasn’t even the Kardashian’s. Instead, it was a rented house.

The mayor of Malibu, Bruce Silverstein, put Kourtney Kardashian on blast for this. He was sure to call her out for destroying the peace in the neighborhood.

“As an elected official, however, I am appalled by the situation, and it helps me understand what residents throughout the city are dealing with,” he says. “Not a good look for the city – although it is a great ad to non-residents who want to come here and destroy the residents’ peaceful enjoyment of their homes.”

He goes on to explain even more of the lie he was told. Apparently, when asking for the permit, they neglected to mention that the house was a rental. Instead, they said the owner of the house was throwing the shower.

“I understand that the event has been represented to be a baby shower that is being hosted by the owner of the property. Both of those representations are contrary to what the event planner told me – which was that the house is being “rented” for an “influencer event.” Obviously, one story or the other is false,” he notes.

It gets even worse…

Of course, the lies and deception don’t stop there. Apparently, not only was it not a baby shower for the mom-to-be, but Kourtney wasn’t even at the event. In fact, none of the Kardashians were in attendance at the ‘baby shower.’

Because of all of the lies, this situation is actually being brought to a city council meeting this Monday where the mayor is requesting an internal investigation.

It will be interesting to see if this situation changes the way influencer events are held in the future. Or if it changes how permitting will work for celebrities and parties moving forward.

Are you surprised to hear about the lie Kourtney Kardashian told? Do you think she should be punished for deceiving the city? Let us know in the comments below. Come back to TV Shows Ace for more news on all of your favorite Kardashian family members.

Haley Cook

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