Kody Brown Pinpoints The ‘Death Of Joy’ In Family

Kody Brown from Sister Wives, TLC Sourced from Instagram teaser

Sister Wives star Kody Brown thinks he’s found the exact moment when the joy within the family began to die.

After 18 seasons on TLC, many Sister Wives fans have a wide range of opinions on the family’s breakdown. But in a new teaser, Kody Brown reveals that he knows the true cause. But does his theory hold water?

Kody Brown deflects blame and pins it all on his wives

Sister Wives fans know that Kody Brown generally isn’t one to fully accept blame. And he certainly doesn’t think he’s responsible for his multiple divorces.

In a new clip, fans get a chance to see Kody share his truth and what he believes broke the family apart.

Meri Brown from Sister Wives, TLCSourced from Instagram teaser
Sister Wives/TLC

“Robyn and Meri reveal they counted how many days Kody spent in each wife’s house 👀 #SisterWives is new Sunday at 10/9c,” the official TLC Instagram account captioned its post ahead of this weekend’s new episode.

In the video, Meri and Robyn are having a chat. Meri reveals that she has a secret to share. She’s been keeping track of how much time Kody spends at the other wives’ houses. Robyn tries to join in and say that Kody doesn’t give her enough time either, and fans didn’t receive that part of the video well at all.

Robyn Brown from Sister Wives, TLCSourced from Instagram teaser
Sister Wives/TLC

Christine admits that there was a month during their time in Las Vegas where Kody did spend most of the time at her house. She was excited and believed Kody would start dividing his time more fairly after that, but that sadly didn’t happen. Kody claims that month in Las Vegas was part of an experiment to see if he could keep a wife happy if he spent more time with her. It worked, but he also quickly realized he could never give any wife the full time and attention they wanted.

As he frequently does, he made it seem like there were problems because the wives were just too jealous.

“There’s this comparison thing and it’s just the death of joy,” Kody concludes the clip.

Fans react to this week’s new teaser

While the clip did receive a lot of attention, many viewers were less than enthused about what they saw. Many ripped into Robyn over claiming that Kody didn’t give her attention either.

“The fact Robin is comfortable, comparing her relationship. To Meri’s is astonishing. She genuinely has no ability to read the room,” one irritated viewer wrote in the comments.

“Imagine worrying about this man spending not enough time with you🤮 so glad they ditched him,” another Instagram user added.

What do you think about the situation? Is Kody Brown correct in thinking that the wives’ jealousy caused the family’s demise? Or is there more to it than he wants to admit?

Leave your ideas in the comments. Catch the new episode of Sister Wives on TLC on Sunday night at 10 PM Eastern time.

Nikole Behrens
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