Tyler Baltierra Reveals Sexual Abuse Led To Adoption

Tyler Baltierra-YouTube

Teen Mom star Tyler Baltierra is sharing that his prior sexual abuse is what led him down the road of adoption. While on 16 & Pregnant, he and his then-girlfriend, Catelynn Lowell gave up their daughter, Carly. This was a devastatingly hard moment but they felt that it was for the best. Now, all of these years later, Tyler is explaining why he had to do it. Read on for more details.

Tyler Baltierra Reveals Sexual Abuse Led To Adoption

When Tyler Baltierra and Catelynn Lowell learned that they were expecting as teens, they opted for adoption. Though their parents did not agree with their choice, they did not care. The couple chose to do what was best for their baby girl so she could have the best possible future. They were lucky enough to bond with the couple who adopted Carly so they could see her every year and keep up with her progress. Sadly, the adoption always lingered in their minds despite welcoming three more healthy little girls. Now, Tyler is opening up about what really precipitated the adoption.

Tyler Baltierra/YouTube

According to The Sun, Tyler Baltierra explains that it was a history of sexual abuse that caused this decision. He decided to document Ketamine therapy during the latest episode of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter. Not alone, the therapist helped Tyler go through his dark past and confront his childhood. It is known that his father, Butch has struggled heavily with substance abuse. This time, Tyler broke free of the chains that held him back for many years through the therapy.

Tyler Baltierra/YouTube

“The sexual identity got robbed out of me. I didn’t get to develop it myself. I didn’t get to do any of it on my own,” Tyler started. He continued: “I felt like that, I don’t know, it kind of mutated into this hypersexuality. I literally had a child that I had to place for adoption pretty much, I think, because of it.” At this point, he confessed that he does not know if he can ever forgive himself for what transpired. He did have to let his younger self know that the abuse was not his fault.

Using Sexuality For Cash?

As much as Tyler Baltierra is trying to confront what happened to him head-on, he is still using his sexuality for money. At the encouragement of his wife, Tyler joined OnlyFans. He admitted that Catelynn controls it all and she seems to like it that way. It is not over-the-top scandalous but just enough to keep followers happy. Plus, all photos are approved by Catelynn. Hopefully, Tyler can forgive himself for any mistake he thinks he made due to his past.

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Amanda Lauren

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