‘The View’ Guest Accuses Whoopi Goldberg Of Being A Lesbian?

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Whoopi Goldberg, 67, has been faced with one major question over the years from fans, co-workers, and even friends. Is she a lesbian? Or, at the very least, is she bi-sexual?

Turns out, a former member of her panel on The View, Raven Symone, recently had the opportunity to sit down with Whoopi. Like many others, Whoopi Goldberg also made her gaydar go off.

Raven decided to address the situation during an episode of her podcast. She spilled her truth to the actress. Then, she asked if Whoopi had anything she wanted to share with the class.

The View: Guest Accuses Whoopi Goldberg Of Being A Lesbian?

While sitting down with her wife Miranda and Whoopi Goldberg, Raven admits she was always a huge fan of Whoopi. She was drawn to her. She, however, now recognizes it was because Whoopi gave off “serious lesbian vibes” and that was a comfort to Raven.

Honestly, when I was around you, I loved you so much like I just wanted to be up under the t**y the whole time. But that’s also because you just gave me lesbian vibes. But, like, sometimes you give me lesbian vibes. You give me stud vibes. So if you want to tell us anything, Whoops, you’re more than welcome to.”

The View Personality Spills Her Truth

Responding to the question, Whoopi Goldberg acknowledged that she does give off some pretty intense lesbian vibes. In fact, she constantly finds herself coming face-to-face with people who ask her about her orientation.

Whoopi explains: “Women have been asking me this for as long as I’ve been around. I am not a lesbian. But I know lots of them, and I’ve played them on television. But I’ve always had lesbian friends because they’re just my friends.”

Having lesbian friends and playing lesbians on television, Whoopi understands why some might draw the conclusion. But, being comfortable with lesbians does not make her also a lesbian.

Whoopi Goldberg Has Been Married Three Times

Not only is Whoopi Goldberg not a lesbian but she’s had a very healthy history of male companions. Whoopi has been married to three different men. The actress has also had at least two different live-in boyfriends after her third marriage ended.

Presently, The View personality is not believed to be dating anyone. In fact, as far as fans know, Whoopi has been single for a few years now. And, she reportedly prefers to be that way. That, however, doesn’t stop her from joking about her intimate activities from time to time on The View.

Did Raven Symone bluntly asking her former co-host if she was a lesbian surprise you? Or, do you agree with Raven Symone that Whoopi Goldberg does give off some serious lesbian vibes? Let us know your answers in the comments. And, keep coming back for more updates on Whoopi Goldberg and other members of The View cast.

Allie Johnson

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