Kody Brown Reveals Destroyed Confidence After 3 Divorces

Kody Brown from Sister Wives, TLC Sourced from YouTube

Sister Wives star Kody Brown recently revealed that his confidence has taken a huge hit following three divorces.

Breakups are never easy in the first place. However, most don’t involve multiple partners leaving within the same time frame. Last season, Sister Wives fans watched Kody and Christine part ways. It seems like this season will revolve around Meri and Janelle’s departures.

In the aftermath of it all, the family patriarch says he’s doing everything he can to repair his self-esteem. He sat down with PEOPLE to promote the show ahead of the Season 18 premiere and to discuss his mental state amid three divorces.

Is there any hope of rebuilding the life he once loved?

Kody Brown says he’s finished with plural marriage

In the interview with PEOPLE, Kody Brown admits that it’s not that he is no longer advocating for plural marriage. It’s just that the structure no longer really works for him.

“When I was 25 I had no experience and all the answers. And now I’m 55 and have all the experience and zero answers,” he said in the interview. The family patriarch went on to say that every plural marriage will face struggles and hardships, but it’s about allowing yourself to grow in those times of trouble.

Kody Brown from Sister Wives, TLCSourced from YouTube
Sister Wives/TLC

“As a result of [the issues], I just have no interest in ever trying plural marriage again for many reasons,” Kody confessed. He went on to say that he’s focused on forgiveness moving forward, as well as building his confidence back up.

“It just destroys your confidence when you go through a divorce or a family breakup. But I feel like my confidence is coming back, I [have to] find that space of grace and love for myself as well.”

Kody concluded the interview by saying he hopes the family can make amends and have a loving relationship moving forward. At the very least, he hopes that interactions will at least be kind.

Check out the interview here:

The family patriarch is reportedly cut off from the rest of the family

Although Kody Brown says he wants a friendly relationship with his exes, his actions seem to tell a different story. Recently, insiders allegedly told The Sun that Kody and Robyn are completely alienated from the rest of the family.

“There is no communication. If you’re seeing Kody and Robyn in places where the other Brown family members are, there’s no speaking going on between them,” the source reportedly shared.

If Kody really wants to move on and make amends, he’ll definitely have to rethink his interactions.

What do you think about Kody Brown‘s interview with PEOPLE? Will he ever truly rebuild his confidence? Share what you think in the comments.

Don’t forget to catch the Sister Wives Season 18 premiere tomorrow night at 10 PM Eastern time on TLC. Check back for more!

Nikole Behrens
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