Jenelle Evans Issues Statement On Missing Son, Cops Involvement

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Scary breaking news for fans of MTV’s Teen Mom as Jenelle Evans’ 14-year-old son Jace has been reported missing. Fortunately, his mother has issued a statement on the situation.

Cops are reportedly involved in finding the missing teenager. This alarming news comes on the heels of Jenelle Evans engaging in a very public feud with her husband, David Eason. In light of these events, what information has been made public about this unsettling situation? And, what did Jenelle have to say in her statement?

To learn more, continue reading for the details.

Jenelle Evans’ Son Missing Amid Marriage Drama: Cops Involved

According to TMZ, an alert went out classifying Jenelle’s son Jace as a juvenile runaway. It was the Brunswick Co. Sheriff’s Department located in North Carolina that officially issued the report that Jace was not only missing but had been declared a runaway.

Per the alert, Jenelle Evans’ son Jace was last seen when he left his school today just a little before 3 P.M. Jace had on a gray sweatshirt with the lettering “Classical Charter Schools of America” on it. Authorities also believe Jace was wearing a navy-colored t-shirt under his gray sweatshirt.

The Brunswick Co. Sheriff’s Department is asking anyone with any information on the location of Jace to call 911 immediately.

Does Anyone Know Why Jace Ran Away?

TMZ did reach out to Jenelle Evans’ mother, Barbara. Barbara confirms she had just spoken to Jace on Monday. And, she believed he was “totally fine.”

Jenelle’s mother also admits she reached out to her daughter on Tuesday to see how she was Barbara is well aware of the public ongoing feud with David Eason, Jenelle’s husband. And, she wanted to make sure her daughter and the children were alright.

Barbara told TMZ that Jenelle shut her out, refused to talk about the situation with David, and told her mother to leave her alone.

As Teen Mom fans know, Jace has lived most of his life with his grandmother, Barbara. Jenelle only recently got full custody of Jace back in March. Years ago, when Jace was very young, Barbara stepped in when Jenelle was unable to properly support him.

UPDATE: Jenelle Evans Issues Statement

Per TMZ, Jenelle Evans issued a statement on the situation just a few minutes ago. In her statement, the MTV personality shared why Jace ran away. Turns out, Jace got in a bit of trouble at school. As a result, Jenelle made the decision to take his phone away as a form of punishment.

Here is the official statement Jenelle Evans issued regarding her missing son:

Jace is a good kid and we’re not dealing with anything that most families don’t deal with while raising children, this has absolutely nothing to do with my situation with David, we do not argue in front of our children or fight in front of our kids. This is a teenage boy being a teenager mad that we decided to take his phone away.

Fortunately, both Jenelle and David have also taken to social media to confirm Jace has been located and is perfectly fine.

Does it surprise you that Jace went missing amid his mother’s drama with David Eason? Could Jace running away have a connection to Jenelle’s marriage drama? Share your thoughts with us in the comments. And, keep coming back for more reality TV news.

Allie Johnson

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